Chapter 30

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Our rooms at Poseidon's palace were comfortable. They all existed in his household. There was a blue and grey sitting room furnished with bland couches and books and a fireplace with purple etherial flames. It lead to each of the rooms. There was one for Aeros, next to Orions. Orion's and Theodore's framed mine— well mine and Poseidon. He insisted that we sleep in the same bed, and I can't exactly refuse him. Ambrose's room was next to Theodore's.

Poseidon had placed me in his room and told me not to leave, he said no one was to enter. I mentally asked everyone to obey. We'd found out that there is a link through the sparks that allows for the communication via telepathy. Weird.

Poseidon's room was styled in light blue and black. There was a large four poster bed with blue sheets, just like in that fucking vision. There were large glass double doors to my right that seemed to lead to a garden. In front of the bed, slightly to the right, sat two desks made of heavy oak. There were stacks of paper on each of the desks. In front of the bed just too the left was a small library with a fireplace and two long pale blue settee's. There was a fire place in between the desks and the library that held etherial flames.

The main doors of the room were directly opposite the glass doors to the garden. Next to the head of the bed, on either side sat silver painted vanities with large round mirrors. And beside each of the vanity's were two tall brown doors with silver handles. They led to private 'bathing chambers', and they had doors in them that connected to a large walk-in closet with clothes for both Poseidon and me. Mine was apparently the door closest to the garden.

I'd been speaking to Ambrose this whole time through his mind, it's still the easiest for me to reach. Apparently everyone else is in the sitting room curled up on the couches, chatting. They were trying to seem inconspicuous. I wondered if I couldn't communicate as a group. I hadn't exactly tried, but Ambrose wasn't a spark. He'd be excluded... it'd be difficult but—

'Sapphire Crow,' Aeros' voice sounded in my busy mind, 'how are you holding up in there? Theodore filled me in on the visions you've had about being here with Poseidon.'

I couldn't exactly fault Theodore for filling Aeros in, though I was a little embarrassed. 'They're terrible, but I'll be alright. I had known when I made the bet that I could lose. And losing so the people I care about would be safe seems like a good a choice as any.'

'I hear part of your deal sprung for my freedom, I appreciate that. I am sorry to ruin it by coming with you. I couldn't stay there and be an oddity again. I needed to be with my brethren.'

'I understand.' And I did. 'I'm happy you're here. I never feel alone with my friends, but I feel less alone with you here. Like the circle is complete.'

'The circle is complete when all sparks are together.' He replied. 'We will get through this and then you can inflict on Poseidon what he deserves.'

I sent a laugh down the bond, 'castration and mental warfare?'

'I was thinking exile, but that is so much more violent. I think we are going to be good friends, Sapphire Crow.'

'Family, Aeros. We're going to be family.' I said down the link and I felt a warmth in my chest.

Orion's voice sounded in my head, and I could feel his panic. 'Incoming' was all he said. A warning. I was seated on the edge of the bed and I stared blankly into the purple flames that filled the fireplace. I was too tempted to crawl into them and simply hide, but I couldn't. I had to face the choices I made. I was responsible for this, and I was going too...

Well I didn't know what I was going to do, but it was far to early in the game for me to break. I knew that for sure.

Poseidon entered the room with a bundle of clothes in his arms. He stopped after closing the door and he just stared at me for a moment. He took a deep breath and it was another moment before I turned my gaze to him. He looked me up and down. "I brought you a change of clothes that I think you'll look specifically good in." He said as he began moving toward me. "I wan't to solidify a style for you." He whispered in my ear as he took one of my hands and pulled me off the bed.

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