Chapter 29

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We ran for a long time, hand in hand. Orion and I found a nice tree and climbed it. I had never felt more grateful that I was short and nimble. I had a much easier time moving through branches and from tree to tree than Orion did. He fumbled over nearly every step, and let out small curses. We ran for a couple minutes and when I felt we were far enough away I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to him.

"This will work a lot better if you are quiet." I whispered. "Calm your breathing, trust your steps and watch the ground."

Phil had told me that so many times over the years. When I would practice hiding in the shadows or practicing my fighting. I took a deep breath. I needed Phil here...

"I'm not used to hiding in trees," he said with a wry grin. He took a step towards me and wrapped a hand around my waist, "I could get used to being up here with you though."

I tried to smother the laugh that threatened to escape me. "You really think now is the right time for this shit?"

He dipped his head so his mouth nearly met mine and the breath I took went nowhere, "I really do..." he whispered as his lips met mine in a soft brush. A snapping noise beneath us stopped the kiss before it hardly began.

"They had to have gone this way." I heard Selene's voice call. "The brush was too thick for them to go anywhere else."

"Then we'll keep going," Poseidon bit out, "I will not lose this game, she will be mine."

We let them pass and waited a couple minutes for good measure. Then we kept moving. We climbed higher, until the ground nearly disappeared. I stayed silent while we moved and I waited a moment to catch my breath before speaking. "Why did you volunteer?" The question was blurted form my mouth before I could think it through.

He looked at me with confusion in his gaze, "For the game?" He whispered. I nodded and stared at him. "Because I didn't want you to have to ask Ambrose to leave my brother... They've grown close."

I'm glad he has. I thought.

'As am I' I heard Orion's voice in my head.

The shock nearly made me fall from the tree. It was only Orion's steady hand wrapping around my waist that stopped it. 'Can you hear my thoughts?'

He smiled and pulled me to his chest. He placed a soft kiss on my lips as his voice sounded in my head, 'yes.' He laughed a little as his lips brushed against mine. 'I don't do it unless it's necessary or wanted though... or sometimes when you're so lost in thought, like you were on the trampoline...'

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer deepening the kiss. He bit at my bottom lip and I let out a small gasp. He took the opportunity for his tongue to explore my mouth. 'That's really weird,' I shot into his mind. I felt his lips curve against my own.

He pulled away and met my gaze. 'I try not too... I don't know why I can, but it's nice to know what you're thinking sometimes.'

'Wait. If you can speak to me mentally, why the fuck have you been speaking to me? Why have you been making noise when we're trying to hide?'

A blush crept into his cheeks, 'I like the sound of your voice...'

A small smile crept onto my features. 'You can hear me speak aloud all you want after the sunrise, but for now only mental communication.' I placed a soft kiss on his cheek. 'Come on, let's keep moving.'

He nodded and we began moving through the trees again.

It had been almost three hours since the game began. Orion and I had moved through the forest as quiet as mice and twice as fast. We were resting for a moment high up in a tree when I heard a commotion coming from our right. There was shouting and I saw what looked like smoke from a fire, and my curiosity got the better of me.

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