Chapter 18

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The walk back to my room was silent, our presence only annunciated by the click clacking of our steps. I wanted to speak, I wanted to say something witty to Ares about fighting, or bicker with Hades about something, just to break the silence.

'This is awkward.' I heard Ambroses voice resounded in my head, but when I glance at him he looked at me confused, 'you alright, Crow?' I gasped audibly and narrowed my eyes, his mouth didn't even move.

'Can you hear me think?' I pointed the thought at him.

'When you want me to, I'd never use it without your permission.'

'How long have you been able to go into my mind?' I asked, nearly afraid of the answer.

'I haven't tried speaking to you, but sometimes I feel I can hear your voice in my head. I thought it'd be the same for you. It has been happening since I met you.' He said.

'Oh. Well, I'm glad we can talk like this, the silence is deafening when you're not sure how to speak.'

'I don't think you know how much I understand that, Crow.'

I simply nodded.

When we reached my room everyone was already sitting on the patio waiting for us, ready for the show.

I went to my closet and threw on a pair of little black shorts, a red cropped top and a black sports bra. I took off the little socks and the black dress was hung up. I tucked the sapphire into my shirt and walked outside.

I took my ash blade sword from its resting place and tossed it between my hands before picking up a heavy shield. It was a circle with a point coming out of the bottom and it was silver rimmed with dark wood in the center. Ambrose has been showing me how to use one, but they're so heavy I can't train with them for very long. I looked over to where he stood in a red circle, sword and shield at the ready.

A smile crept onto his face, "you ready to get your ass kicked, Crow?"

I matched his smile and raised him a laugh, "do your worst, Ambrose."

He huffed out a breath before charging at me. His movements were fast but obvious. His shield was in his left hand and his sword was in his right. He stepped onto his left leg to begin his charge which means that he is going to swing first. I brought my shield up to block his blow, his sword clanged against the big hunk of wood and steel. I jabbed my sword towards him making him jump back, and in a swift motion I put my shield in front of my chest and ran at him. He put up his shield to block me and pushed back. I stumbled back a step before swiping my sword at his legs. He dodged it and stumbled back just long enough for me to land a solid kick to his chest.

He fell back and rolled over himself before standing. He swung his shield at my head and I narrowly avoided it as I sent myself to the ground and swung my legs through his. He landed on his back with a grunt and I threw my shield to the side. I jumped on top of him I was straddling his chest and holding his wrists, pinning his arms by his head. "Give up?"

"Never" he replied cooly. He bucked his hips up and threw me off him over his head and onto my back. I had only enough time to raise my sword to block his as we both stood up. Smiles plagued both of our expressions and laughter escaped us as Eliot came beside us, sword in tow.

"May I?" He asked. Ambrose and I nodded and Eliot swung his sword at me. I blocked it as Ambrose threw a swing at my back. I ducked away then jumped into a handspring, sending my weight backwards and snapping my legs over and landing with my sword up, ready to fight. A smile broke onto Eliot's face, "you're getting better, little spark."

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