Chapter 12

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"Sapphire, I brought you..." Lynx's voice trailed off and I turned from Hades to find him standing in the doorway with a tray in his hands. He stared at us for a moment, "I was going to say I brought you food, but I see you've decided to try a different snack..."

I rolled my eyes and broke away from Hades. I walked over, shut the door and took the tray from Lynx. I sat it on the foot of my bed and looked at him, squaring my shoulders to him. "Hi Lynx," I couldn't help the smirk that crept on my face, "how's it goin?" A small laugh escaped me as I took three pastries off the tray he brought, handing one to him. He took it, his gaze was playful, like he understood what was going on. I walked over to Hades, holding his gaze, and handed him a pastry as well.

"So..." Lynx said as he took a bite of his pastry. He swallowed before continuing. "Are you two like a thing now?" He looked between Hades and me, "or was this just... pent up energies?"

Hades huffed a laugh and moved to speak, but I beat him to it, "Lynx," I said putting my hand to my heart, my voiced was laced with sarcastic venom, "I would never do something as scandalous as have a workplace romance." I cocked my head and raised my brow as I met his crimson gaze. He took a sarcastic bite of his pastry and swallowed it before rolling his eyes.

We both broke into howling laughter. There was something easy about talking to Lynx, like he understood that I was a person and not a weapon or object. Like he understood that My life had been turned upside down and that I was confused. He hadn't looked at me with fear or worry. Just, an overabundance of interest in who I was. Who I am. And it's nice, no one's been like that for a long time. I took a breath before continuing, "According to Hades, I need to lay low." We both straightened up, smiles still playing on our faces, "I am apparently scaring Persephone." I rolled my eyes.

"Master Hades is right." Lynx said with serious eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but he continued. "She is scared of you. She's scared for you, she's scared that you've got Hades wrapped around your little finger..." He trailed off, his gaze shifting to Hades as he moved to stand at my side. "Which I'd say is true."

Hades laughed, "You won't tell her will you?" I turned my gaze to him, did he not want people to know? Was he embarrassed? He read my face for a moment before saying, "I'm not embarrassed or ashamed, but my mother wants you to be sent away for training. We have to convince her the best place for you is with me." He wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind, "to do that, you have to appear to assimilate."

"And... I take it kissing you is not considered assimilation?" I joked, he squeezed me closer to him, "So, we should keep... this... a secret. But how? If she's really that worried about me, if she thinks I've got you wrapped around my finger, she's going to have eyes on us whenever she can..." I took a breath, "So, that basically means any—"

"Where but the south wing..." Hades cut in. "It's not going to be easy, but no, my mother can't know." He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and took a deep breath.

Lynx laughed, like genuinely laughed. He looked into my eyes, "This," he pointed between the two of us, "will be the best kept secret anyone has ever had. Obi should know, so he doesn't catch you like I did. He's not as good under pressure..." His voice trailed off as he looked to the tray, then ran his eyes up and down my body. Examining my attire. "I didn't just come here to bring you snacks. If we are going to figure out why this raven bitch wants you, we're going to need time. That means you need to act dutiful and docile for Hades."

"I won't be talked down to. I'm not property, I'm his... friend."

He squeezed my shoulders, "I'm not asking you to be anything more than that. Just, maybe... a friend who doesn't express big feelings in front of my parents." He pressed a kiss to my ear, "If you feel like you're gonna lose it, all I ask is that we make a signal. Something to tell me you need to leave, then we can go somewhere quiet, and private, and battle it out." It was hard to be mad at the request when he was holding me like this.

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