Chapter 16

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"Little one, don't run away from me. I'm going to have to kill your friends." Eboni's silky voice slithered through the hallways of the dark castle. Sweat was dripping from me, my breathing was ragged and I was hidden behind a curtain. I didn't have my sword and I was so tired. I covered my mouth with my hand, afraid my breathing would give me away. My muscles were shaking and when I leaned against the wall a searing pain swelled in my side.

I looked down to find an open wound dripping blood. I pressed my palm against it and bit my lip as fire flashed in my palm and my skin seared shut. A tear fell down my cheek. I could feel open woulds on my chest stinging when I moved and I let out a grunt when the curtain brushed one. I allowed a candle lights worth of flame to spark from my finger, and I moved it across the wounds on my chest. As the skin burned and the wounds closed the shaking in my body grew worse.

I could hardly see straight. Black spots entered my vision, I tried to blink them away. Pain moved up every nerve in my body as footsteps moved closer. "Hello, little one." Eboni's voice crawled into my ears as she moved the curtain and light blinded me.

I woke up with a scream on my lips, sweat beading on my brow and strong arms wrapped around me. I looked up to see Hades' concerned eyes staring at me one of his hands was drawing soothing circles on my back. The other was at my face tracing a line down my jaw, "you ok?"

I nodded and pulled him closer to me, "it's just another dream.." I trailed off as thought overtook me. For the last week, since the Chimera, Hades hasn't really left my side. He hovered while Zeus and Eliot showed me how to use captivation, we were working on holding the purple eyes for long periods of time. Hades was around while I trained with Ambrose. Hades was near when I hung out with Obi and Lynx. Come to think of it, the only times he really left me was when I asked to be alone.

I only asked once, to be alone. He listened, I played my instruments in blissful solitude for two hours before he came back grumbling about Poseidon. I think he was worried that I'd go off the deep end. I also think he was worried that another attack would come.

I haven't been able to sleep alone since coming here. I tried to, the night after the Chimera, but I woke up screaming. I had the nightmare where Eboni sliced my chest, I think it was the precursor to the dream I just had. I sat up, pulling Hades with me, and looked towards the coffee table where the little black book lay. It was open to a new page. I looked to Hades, "we should see what the new picture is..." I trailed off as I ran a hand through my hair and crawled off the bed. Hades followed me, taking my hand in his as I guided us towards the couch. I picked up 'The raven of smoke and the crow of flame' and stared at the pictures.

There were two new ones, one of me in tight black pants and a torn white shirt running through the hallways of the dark palace. My hair was mussed and there were cuts spread over my body. My side was painted red and it was obvious that I was losing blood. The second picture was me behind the curtain with my lit finger trailing down a gash on my chest. There was blood dripping, my expression was pained and I could see pictured tears flowing down my face. My surroundings were dark and I could almost see the exhaustion in my eyes.

"What are you burning?" Hades asked pointing to the second picture.

"My skin shut." I said curling into a ball and leaning into Hades. I hugged the book to my chest. I thought about the picture of Hades and I kissing, I thought of me in the red dress. Calm knowing crept through me at the thought that even if I was going to be captured and tortured, I'd be back in his arms.

"Did you wanna go back to sleep?" Hades asked. I shook my head no. "Do you want to talk?" He prodded.

"I don't want to talk about the dreams..." I trailed off as he pulled me closer to him. "Why haven't you left my side since I've been here?"

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