Chapter 20

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"Selene, you may not speak to her like that." I whispered to Selene. Sapphire had disappeared into her closet with Ambrose only moments ago. I didn't like what I saw between them today, there was a connection I didn't understand.

"She should watch how she speaks to me, Hades." Selene said as she wrapped her arms around me. "Do you love her, Hades?"

"What?" I asked with shock lacing my voice, "Selene what are you getting at?"

"Do you love me?" She asked.

I took a second, did I love her? Truthfully we were in love once, but her temperament turned towards that of my brother, Poseidon. She believed that the gods should rule their disciples with an iron fist. She trained Brutus to discipline any one she found unruly. I looked her over, I think it has been many years since I felt the love we once shared. But I was in too deep to just leave. "Of course I love you, Selene." I said as I placed a soft kiss on her lips. "But you can not speak to Sapphire like that, she has not had the same upbringing as us. She was raised as an independent person." I said gently.

"Alright, but I will not apologize." She conceded gently.

I nodded and ran my thumb over her cheek, "I am not asking you too." I said.

"I want her to apologize to me, for speaking to me like that and for brutalizing my disciple." She said with a sharp tone.

"I don't know that I can get her to do that, darling, she's... proud." I said softly.

"You need to get her under control, Hades."

"I need to make peace between the two of you before the world is destroyed in a wave of flaming rage..."

Selene pressed her lips to mine again, it didn't feel like it did when I kissed Sapphire. I probably shouldn't do that anymore... I probably shouldn't have done it in the first place. Selene pulled back and dragged her hand down my chest. "What was all that about you kissing and sleeping with her, Hades?" Selene asked in a low voice.

"It was as she said, Selene. I will admit that I am quite taken with her. She is unlike anyone I've ever met."

"Hades, you and I are courting. I don't mind a small adventure with a mysterious new disciple, but you will be honest with me."

"Yes, Selene. I apologize for not being upfront with you." I said softly pressing my lips to her temple, "please be patient. She has had her life uprooted, I'm sure she will calm in a couple days and fall into line." I pressed my forehead to hers as the closet door opened.


We walked into my room to find Kronos curled up with Persephone on the couch, Ares was next to them reading a book, Zeus and Eliot were reading in the chairs, Brutus was standing by the piano with his arms crossed at his chest. He eyed Ambrose and me. I shifted my gaze to the doorway. Hades stood with his forehead pressed to Selene's. They were wrapped in a tight embrace, the flames on my hair got a little brighter. I approached Brutus and Ambrose followed.

He stared at me for a moment, his clean cut shirt slightly dirtied from the grass. His expression hard as stone. If I hadn't already been fired up when he cam at me — if I had had time to take him in — I would have thought twice about walking up to him. But I suppose that's the point of someone like Brutus. His eyes studied me, "How did you know what I was going to do?" He finally asked. His voice was low and gruff.

"I didn't, I just knew how to block a punch." I replied. "Why did you attack me?" I asked.

"My lady commanded it."

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