Chapter 25

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Eboni had come to watch us train for the next two days. I was exhausted, so was Ambrose. I think he was in Theodores room, sleeping it off. Obi and Lynx had left for a while, and I was left alone in my room with Orion. We were facing each other on my bed lying on our stomachs. His eyes looked into mine and I found endless rolling waves in his. We were playing cards, but after a while it got boring. My friends and I were still not allowed to leave out household, we were all feeling cabin sickness. Ambrose only got around it by making a passage that went from his room to Theodores.

I let out a sigh and rested my head in my arms. "What's wrong, Sapphire?"

"Nothing, I am just so terribly bored, Orion." I whined. "I do have an idea for a game, if you want..."

"What's the game?" He asked with a smile on his lips.

"Well, I'll make a little person of fire, and you make one of water, and they can fight each other." I said with a small laugh as I crawled off the bed and walked over to the fireplace. I took flames in one hand and a glass of water in the other and I went back to my position on the bed.

Orion took water on his fingers and formed a little soldier, I did the same with flames and the little men went to battle. I won the first round, Orion won the next three. I was on my way to victory in the fifth round when my door opened.

I snapped my head around to find Eboni standing in the doorway with Nicholas. His cheeks were no longer sunken in and his eyes had light in them, though he seemed cautious of Eboni. I glanced at Orion for a moment before we scrambled up from the bed. "Hello Eboni," I greeted, "Nicholas, it's good to see you in an un-comatose state."

"It's good to see you as well, Sapphire. Thank you for getting me away, it had been many weeks since I had proper sustenance and caring." He said. Weeks? That sounds awful.

"Little one," Eboni cooed, "What did I say about men in your bed?"

"That I should have less of them at once?"

"Well..." she laughed, "I suppose I did say that. What were you two doing in here?"

I laughed, "we were simply playing a game I made up where he makes a soldier of water, and I make one of fire and they battle."

"That sounds intriguing, but I fear I shall have to wait to see it played. I have business to attend too. I wanted to inform you that Nicholas is to join your household. His room has been placed next to Obi's. Use him as you wish. I shall see you later, little one." And with that Eboni left, shutting the door behind her.

"Well..." I drew out the word approaching Nicholas. He sunk into a deep bow and I couldn't help the laugh that resonated from my chest, "Nicholas, you don't have to bow. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You're free, I don't keep disciples I have friends. If you want to join our group then I would love to have you, but if you wish to go free and live your life, that is also alright." I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him in an embrace, "The only thing I will not allow is for you to go back to Poseidon." I whispered in his ear.

The words seemed to break him as he began to sob into my shoulder and returned the hug. "Why?"

"You do not deserve to be a slave or abused." I said softly, "I am sorry it happened, but I can assure you it won't happen again."

"Are Obi and Lynx here?" He asked softly, "They were always kind, may I hang around with them?"

I nodded, "let's go ask them, I'm sure they're in one of their rooms." I laughed leading Nicholas out of my room and one door over to Lynx's. I knocked and the door was immediately swung open by a worried Lynx, "Calm Lynx, it's only us." I said as he gestured for us to come inside. "Nicholas has been added to our household. Will you keep him company?" I asked walking over to Obi.

Crow of FlameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora