Chapter 14

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 Obi and Lynx were waiting for us when Hades carried me into my room. Zeus, Eliot, and Cadmus followed us and shut the door. Hades sat me on my bed and stared at me for a moment. He raised a hand to my face and hand his thumb over my cheekbone, "you scared me out there." His voice was low and sincere. His green eyes were full of something I didn't recognize. He lowered his forehead to mine and took a deep breath, "you're ok." His green eyes bore into mine and we stared at each other for what feels like an eternity.

Zeus coughed a laugh and walked over, placing a hand on Hades' back and looking between us. Hades moved his head from mine, but not his gaze, Zeus let a whistle pas his lips. His eyes were giddy and his voice was playful. "So... What's going on here?" He wagged his finger between us before landing on Hades, "That's a serious look brother."

Hades laughed and opened his mouth to speak but I cut in, "What's the look mean, Zeus?"

Hades looked to his brother with raised brow. Zeus laughed, "It means Hades is in—"

"Zeus," Eliot interrupted, he had an easy smile painting his features "We should let her figure it out for herself."

"Figure what out?" I asked innocently. I looked up at Hades with as innocent eyes as I could muster, "Why do you look at me like that Hades?" I tied as much interest into my eyes as possible, placing into my gaze my longing for him to be near, the happiness I felt around him, and the wondrous feeling from the vision with the red dress. And as I stared into Hades eyes, they turned a deep purple. His mouth became dumb and his shoulders slumped and relaxed. "Hades?" I narrowed my eyes, "are you ok?"

He nodded loosely, a calm easy smile developed on his face, "I am quite well."

My gaze met amber eyes as I turned to Cadmus, "Is he alright?" Cadmus, after glancing towards my eyes refused to meet my gaze.

"Great Universe," Cadmus interjected stepping forward. He took Hades by his shoulders and turned his eyes away from me. Cadmus gripped his chin tightly and turned his head. It was like his muscles had gone limp. Cadmus looked at me before going to my vanity and grabbing a small mirror. He brought it back and held it in front of my face. My skin was glowingly pale, my lips were extra pink and my eyes, were purple. Matching Hades'. "She's got captivation..." Cadmus trailed off as he moved the mirror.

"Tell him to do something!" Lynx shouted.

I took a breath, "Hades, light your hair." Without time for breath or hesitation, blue flames erupted from Hades dark locks. I let out a squeak as I said, "put it out!" I shook my head and rubbed my temples and whispered, "Is it permanent?" Cadmus and Eliot laughed as they guided a catatonic Hades away. "What's going on?"

Zeus walked towards me and knelt to meet my eyes. There must have been fear in my gaze because he ran a hand down my hair, hushing me. "Sapphire, you need to release the captivation."

I shook my head, "I don't know how to release it... I don't even know how I started it." The fear crept back into my bones. I felt like I was holding a leash and one wrong tug could suffocate. This fear was deep in my bones and in my breath and I couldn't push it down. I couldn't stop the heightened awareness of everything in my room, or the warmth of the fireplace calling to me. It caught my gaze as I tried to focus the fear away, but it wouldn't leave.

And the flames seemed to grow and spark and dance as I trained my expression to boredom. The sparks that flowed higher into the air towards me were the only trace of the panic I felt, the only way anyone could tell I felt anything. The orange sparks seemed to shift colors as a string of flames found their way to me. I reached out to it, they comforted me like nothing else. They wrapped themselves around my fingers and I schooled them to be cold to the touch, but warming to my skin. I don't know how, or why, but they listened to me, and I could almost hear other people in the castle through them. I could almost hear Kronos speaking to Ares—

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