Chapter 26

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When I made it back to my room, I decided I needed some time alone. I shut the door quietly and leaned my back on it for a few moments. No matter what anyone said, no matter that I knew the vision wasn't real just a possible future. No matter that I hadn't really been in that bed... yet... my skin felt like it didn't belong to me. My mind felt like it didn't belong to me anymore.

This room... My room... Could this feel like home? Could a prison ever feel like home? I definitely wasn't comfortable here like I thought I would be at home, but I wasn't uncomfortable. I felt less trapped in this captive situation than I did in Cletus, though I felt safer there. Why would Eboni, if we are meant to go to war, want for me to feel at home?

Unless... The prophecy only says that we will meet on the field of battle. It doesn't say wether we are allied or enemies. Could we be friends? No. No we couldn't. She held my mother captive. I'm pretty sure she drank her blood to gain power. How else would she have gained captivation? I looked over to my bed. My soft welcoming warm bed that would do nothing but comfort me quietly.

On the foot of the bed sat a small book bound in brown leather. There was a note sitting on the top, 'Crow' was written in fancy script. I opened it and it read,


I thought you'd like to read about your magics.

Theodore showed me the library, it's not restricted here

as it is at home. Let me know what you find out.

Let us know if you need help.

You're not alone.

~ Ambrose

A smile found my face. Ambrose alway knew how to keep the lonely feelings away. On the cover of the book, embedded in gold it said, 'Olympian magic.' It looked interesting enough. It would take my mind away from visions and friends and homes and wars...

I cracked open the book. It didn't speak to me like the others did, there were no words that magically appeared, no pictures that changed with my mind, visions, or moods. It was simply a book. And I had never been so excited to read.

Olympian Magic

—An Introduction—

There are many types of Olympian magic, and on my travels I have experienced hundreds. They differ from god to god, from disciple to disciple. I have yet to meet a single being with an exact replica of another powers. There have been occurrences of reincarnations of abilities, exact to one whose lived before. But no two beings, in the categories of gods and disciples have ever had the same abilities.

In this book I'll discuss some of the types of magic I've encountered and how they are used. It is a dangerous business looking into magic, I would not recommend this life to anyone else. But as a quiet observer of the magics of the realm, I feel it is my duty to document what I've seen, in as much detail as I can produce. Thank you reader, for your curiosity, and your willingness too learn.

Ever yours,


Types of Magics:

Broad and specific.


SEEING: A being with abilities to see into the future. These visions may come in dreams or prophetic episodes that could leave the seer with an incomplete sense of self and awareness for the current state of the world. Some seers figure out how to manage the power quickly, while for others it may take years.

KNOWING: A bring with Knowing is a being that can sense certain events before they happen. They do not ger visions like the seers. Their knowing is often attached to one type of event like: War, Love, Death, Birth, Healing, Knowledge, Etc. Beings with Knowing are often considered intuitive and instinctual.

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