Chapter 27

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The next week passed quickly. A comfortable routine of eating breakfast with Eboni and my friends then training with Ambrose, Orion, and Theodore before I went riding on Elias or played games with Obi and Lynx, developed. I almost forgot that today was the day I would go back to Cletus. I would see everyone again, I would have to confront Hades, and endure questions. I had allowed my worries to leave me. I had allowed Arastoo to feel like home, for a short while. But in truth, it wasn't home. Nowhere was home.

Obi and Lynx were helping me to prepare for breakfast with Eboni. This being the last day of my stay, she requested I dress nicely. She had relaxed the lady training this past week, and allowed me to wear my shorts and oversized shirts. But today, I wore a pale pink dress that stopped in the middle of my thighs. It had a corset bodice and the skirt was made out of cloud like gauzy material. It had sleeves of flowing gauze that cinched at my wrists. I put on matching soulless socks. I had explained to Eboni how I don't like shoes, and she said that the slips were just fine then.

Obi placed a single gold chain around my neck, and I strapped my ash sword to my hip. I hadn't had to use it while I was here, there had been no attacks of strange creatures, so other than training with Ambrose it sat idle. But it felt right to be on my hip now. The gold hilt matched the thin chain around my neck perfectly. Lynx moved me to a vanity where he began to style my hair as Obi painted a pale pink onto my cheeks. I hadn't said anything this morning when they came in. I hardly acknowledged Orion and Theodore when they came and sat on the couch. The only person I'd really spoken too was Ambrose, through our link.

He had only asked me if I was alright, and I said I was... but it was a lie. I was absolutely dreading going to Hades, seeing him with Selene... Seeing everyone again... Answering too many questions and facing too many sympathetic looks... Obi painted a faint gold onto my eyelids before deciding I was fit to see myself. I turned towards the mirror and found that Lynx had made my hair up with little braids interwoven between curls. I looked beautiful, but I felt like I was going to be sick.

I moved my gaze to look at Lynx through the mirror. His red eyes held worry. He looked extra dapper in a green button down top with plain black slacks and shining black dress shoes with green laces. He and Obi had found their own styles while we've been here. Obi grew fond of shirts colored such a pale pink they looked white, with black slacks, and black dress shoes with pale pink laces.

Ambrose stuck to his all black garb, and Theodore and Orion wore something new everyday. I had wondered if Arastoo gave fashion advice as well as comfort. Theodore wore yellow today. A short sleeved yellow shirt with black pants and matching black shoes. Orion looked handsome in his outfit of a short sleeved light sky blue shirt and black pants with matching black shoes.

'Crow you look terrified...' Ambrose whispered through the link

'Honesty time?' I asked.

'Please,' he replied.

'I'm terrified to go back. I'm going to have to deal with Hades and Selene and politics.. There's going to be questions and stares and comments and games...' I trailed off turning in my seat to face him, 'it's just a lot to think about.'

'Relax, Crow. You'll be fine and you won't be alone.'

Nicholas entered the room dressed in a deep blue button down shirt that complimented his hollow figure nicely. His pants and shoes were both charcoal grey. He held a smile on his face and his blue eyes met mine with kindness. "I've been told that Eboni is waiting by the dining room." He said softly. His blue curls flopped with every motion his head made.

"Great," I said softly as I stood. I ran my hands down the skirt of my dress and placed a steadying hand on the hilt of my sword. I turned to the room, "Shall we?"

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