Chapter 34

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I blacked out after that. I vaguely remember coming too enough to hear Kronos speaking to me. But my body felt like it was on fire. I was sweating so much I think they had to change my sheets. My bones felt like they were reforming and rearranging. It felt like I was being... remade.

I didn't really dream, unless the conversations I overheard but couldn't understand were dreams. Then I dreamed constantly. Every so often I would feel Hades climb into my bed and beg me to be alright. And he would pull me into his arms, and even though sweat would drench us both, he would stay there until someone made him leave. It was usually Ambrose. I remember Aeros saying that no one was supposed to go near me for long periods of time. I didn't know why though.

Orion visited, though he never stayed too long. Theodore came with Ambrose. Obi and Lynx would enter and spill all the gossip they'd heard while they thought I was completely unconscious. Nicholas would come with Blight, and they would both apologize. Kronos would come, but not with Persephone. I don't think she came to see me at all. Neither did Aphrodite. Zeus, Eliot, and Cadmus would just sit and read books on my couches in case I woke up. Aeros was the only one who would stay for entire days. Hades would only sneak in if he was asleep or gone.

Ares came and saw me a few times, I think it was hard for him to see me so unwell. It was a strange sensation. I was asleep, but not unaware. I wasn't sure what was real, and what was fake. I didn't know if I imagined it all, or if it was all real. I thought I'd seen Eboni come by a couple of time and simply look at me. She stared at me like I was a prize that she'd just won. There was unmistakable hunger in her eyes that couldn't be hidden by the enchanting smile and pretty gown.

I had no idea how long I'd been asleep, or unconscious... but when I sat up my room was void of people. My head didn't hurt, I felt well rested, and when I looked out of the window I saw it was morning. People probably went to breakfast thinking I wouldn't be awake. I couldn't blame them.

I went to my closet and threw on a pair of small black spandex shorts and a yellow shirt that hung to my mid thighs. I gave my hair a quick brush through and left it down as I headed towards the dining room.

The big green doors opened and everyone stopped what they were doing, there wasn't a word uttered, and everyone turned to stare at me as I moved to take my seat next to Ares. The only people who didn't stare were Ambrose, Orion, Theodore, and Aeros. They didn't seem phased by my being here, and they didn't track the piece of bacon I picked up as I brought it to my mouth and chewed it slowly looking around.

"Good morning," I said softly grabbing another piece of bacon.

"Um, good morning," Eliot said. "Did you sleep well?"

Zeus elbowed him in his ribs and I laughed as I picked up a glass of cold clean water. I was so thirsty. "Yeah, I slept fine." I said. " I had some strange dreams, but it was nice otherwise."

"Did you dream about me, Sapphire?" Cadmus asked raising an eyebrow and winking at me. This time it was Hades who jabbed an elbow at him.

I rolled my eyes and laughed a little finishing the cup of water. Another appeared before me and I picked it up, "How'd you guess?" I joked. "I feel I should be blushing, though I'm not embarrassed." I sipped the rest of the water. Not sipped chugged as another glass appeared before me. I finished it and another appeared and the cycle kept repeating itself.

"So..." I dragged out the word, "Why are you all staring at me like I've grown a second head?" I asked as I munched down on a waffle.

"Sapphire, do you know what happened?" Hades asked.

I shook my head no and it was Orion who spoke next. "You absorbed etherial power, your body shifted to match it. You were asleep for two months, Sapphire."

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