𝟎𝟏𝟕 | All By Myself

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Two weeks had passed since Emma Tate had any contact with a human or a drop of evidence that would lead her to her family she had found at the end of the world. During these two weeks, Emma hadn't stopped moving as she refused to stay in one place for longer than a few hours which in turn limited her rest and drowned her in exhaustion. Her food was scarce and without rain or a filter, her water was low and limited leaving her feeling the effects of dehydration but she wouldn't let that slow her down or stop her along the way. Her thigh was incredibly sore from the constant walking but she would simply ignore it in hopes of the pain going numb eventually.

Emma's mind was all over the place processing how her life how changed over the past year, she wasn't sure what to think but she was determined to find her way back to her home; to her family. If there was anything she had learned in the fourteen days she had been separated from her family and the love of her life, it was that she'd never give up on finding them and once she does, she will not let anyone take them away from her and if that meant killing people to protect them, she would. It was a horrible thought but one that was needed in this new world, it was time to be more selfish in their ways and beliefs.

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Emma was currently tracking a deer after rewrapping her still healing leg, her clothes were ripped and torn from running through the dense forest. Emma emerged from the large bush spotting the deer that she had been tracking for some time, she raised her bow and pulled back the arrow before taking a slow steady breath, letting go of the arrow hitting the deer right in the throat. She almost turned her head to look at someone who would send a proud look for the hit only to remember that Merle or Daryl weren't there by her side to do so.

Emma stood up with a slight frown and made her way over to the deer that was still struggling as it slowly died, she closed her eyes for a quick soft prayer before driving her blade into its head to end its pain. She adjusted her bow and placed her knife back into its holster before kneeling down to pick up the deer, hoisting it over her shoulders. Emma pushed herself from the ground, adjusted the deer before heading back to the abandoned house she had currently claimed for herself. Her leg burned in pain causing her legs to tingle, she had taken quite the fall recently after being jumped by two walkers; damaging her thigh further.

As she got closer to her shelter, she noticed a car driving by making her drop to the ground as fast as she could. Her leg ached as she hit the ground hard with her injured leg, she bit down on her lip to prevent a whimper from leaving her mouth. Emma could taste the blood in her mouth from how hard she had bit down on her lip, she tried to focus on the car that had stopped. Two men got out of the car holding rifles, they looked around without speaking. They searched the few standing houses, the others had been smashed and burnt down, probably from when this all began.

𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚 ♡ Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now