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"Daddy no. Your not supposed to carry the one." Darcy pouted at Louis. Harry wasn't home yet from work so Louis was the only person she could ask for help. Big mistake.

"What do you mean? That's how I learned it as a kid." He stared at the homework in frustration. "What's with teachers these days? Always trying to change math."

Darcy looked like she was about to cry, "I don't understand. When is Papa coming back?" She was only in 2nd grade, how is her math harder than all of secondary school?

"No, no Darcy. It's ok. Daddy can help you." But before he could make her feel better Harry was walking through the door.

"I'm home." Harry sounded extremely tried. He wished that he could let Harry sleep, but he needed to figure out this math.

Darcy was already running to the door, "Papa! Papa! Your home!"

"Hi beautiful girl. Why aren't you in your pajamas yet?" He glared at Louis.

Tears formed in his daughters eyes, "Daddy and I can't figure out my homework. We've been trying for so long."

Harry engulfed her in a hug, "it's ok beautiful. We will figure it out together." He smiled at her, "you know I've actually been reading your teachers lessons. She says that her secret tip is to do homework with ice cream."

Her face lit up and she ran into the kitchen, "I'm so sorry Harry. I really tried and I-"

He kissed him on the lips making him quiet, "it's ok. We all have difficult days. But, as punishment I am going to make you listen to my lesson."

"Do I get ice cream too then?" Louis smirked.

"Of course you do. It's the best study snack." Harry ran off to get himself cleaned up while Louis helped Darcy get her ice cream.

They all sat down around the circular round table while Harry went on and on about math this and math that.

When it was finally over they brushed their teeth together and put Darcy to bed. Harry felt so tired he could barely hold his own head up.

"Harry, you're such an amazing dad. I'm so lucky to watch you with our daughter."  He kissed him on the forehead and then on his cheeks.

He smiled like a little baby having a dream, "Thank you, you're an amazing dad too."

"I love you."

"And I love you." They went to sleep with smiles on their faces.

Authors note: Heyyy! I'm really liking the family one shots right now so I am going to write more. Hope you loved it!

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