Best Day Ever

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Harry and Louis woke up to their daughter jumping on their bed, "Wake up Daddy and Papa! Wake up! Wake up!"

"Love, it's too early to be awake. Go back to sleep for a while and we will wake up in a moment." Said Louis half asleep.

Darcy pouted, squeezing her stuffed animal, "No, you told me to wake you up early because we were driving to the aquarium."

Harry woke up and looked at his clock, 6:30 am. It really was time to wake up even though they didn't want to, "You're right, Darcy. Let's leave Daddy alone for a minute and go get some breakfast."

She ran out of the room and started coloring at the table waiting for her dad to come make pancakes like he did almost every morning.

"Lou, I am going to make pancakes and let you sleep for a little bit longer but you have to get up soon alright?"

He smiled, "Ok, thanks baby." Harry kissed his head before throwing on a sweatshirt and some black jeans.

He went to the kitchen, "Hey beautiful, would you like to help me make the pancakes?"

"Yes!" Her eyes lit up and she ran over to the counter, "What can I do?"

"Ok, you have one of the most important jobs. You have to get me all the ingredients, so make sure you listen very carefully ok?"

Darcy turned her face to look very focused. She was the cutest, "I will not let you down, papa."

"Ready?" She nodded her head, "Flour, Eggs, Sugar, Milk, Baking Powder, Salt, Butter, and the vanilla extract." Harry said slowly.

Darcy found all of the ingredients swiftly except for one, "How do you spell extract?" She asked

"E. x. t. r. a. c. t."

"Got it!" She cheered. Harry picked her up and swung her around in a circle.

Harry looked at her and felt proud. She was perfect. She was his too. It felt amazing to feel like you had done something right, "Good job monkey."

They made the pancakes together, mixing all of the ingredients. Harry made her sit at the table and draw a fish while he flipped the pancakes.

Darcy looked up from her paper and asked, "Isn't Daddy your fish?"

"He is my fish, you're right."

"I have another question, Papa." Harry nodded his head for her to go on, "Can we invite Niall to the aquarium too? I think that he would like it."

He thought about it for a moment. It wouldn't hurt to ask, "Sure, I'll invite him. We will see what happens."

After Harry finished the pancakes he sent him a quick text.

Harry: Hey Niall! Darcy was wondering if you wanted to come to the aquarium with us

Niall: Yeah! I'll be there in 20

Harry: we've got pancakes too

Niall: I'll be there in 10

He laughed at the messages and then made Darcy a plate, "Guess what! Uncle Niall is coming to the aquarium with us!" She cheered and danced around happily before eating the breakfast off of her plate.

Louis woke up soon after with a smile on his face. He had been waking up happy a lot lately. It felt good.

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