First Times

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Heyyy best friends. PanAceLarry_28 and me are making more one shots for you. Check out her book now 😡

Also, I put both of your ideas in one. Hope you like it!

K enjoy :)

Tonight Harry and Louis were going to see one of their best friends in concert, Ed Sheeran. His new album Equals was out (go steam it), and the couple was so excited for him.

When they arrived at the concert venue it was already packed with people so they wouldn't be able to say hi to Ed. It was ok though because they would congratulate him after the show. Harry and Louis sat in the VIP section because they didn't want to take away from Ed.

Some of their favorite songs played like Tides, Bad Habits, and Sandman. Soon, the best song (in their opinion), started playing. It was called First Times.

4 and a half years ago:

"Harry I'm so scared." Louis said bouncing his leg up and down. "What if they hate us."

Harry kissed him softly which Louis gladly melted into, "they won't hate us. I cant make promises on their behalf but I can tell you one thing. I promise to love you forever no matter what happens."

"I promise to love you forever too." They pinky promised each other like little kids on the playground. Harry held open Louis door as they walked into the home where both the Styles family and the Tomlinson family sat.

Anne was the first to stand up and hug her son, "are you ok? We're worried about you."

"I'm alright, mom. Louis and I just have something to tell you." She knit her eyes together before walking over and sitting on the couch next to Jay.

Present Day:

Ed continued to sing, "Ain't it funny how the simplest things in life can make a man? Little moments that pass us by. Oh, but I remember."

Harry and Louis held each other and swayed like they were on a dance floor.

4 and a half years ago:

"Louis and I are dating." Harry bit his bottom lip and it stung just a little. He barely noticed though because his nerves were so high.

Louis grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "We hope that you can accept us. If you can't then-then." He started to get chocked up.

"Of course we accept you." Jay ran up fo hug her son and Anne did the same. "I love you Louis. And who you love doesn't change that."

Anne nodded at the statement, "i think the same thing about you Harry. I am happy as long as you are happy."

Both of the boys were crying as they held on to each other. The whole room just felt like it was full of love. "Thank you mom." They both said as almost the exact same time which made them all chuckle.

Present day:

Harry and Louis thought about every moment they were thankful for with each other. They remembered it all the first kiss, the first night, and the first song that made the other cry.

They couldn't wait to make a million more first times.

A/N: It's safe to say I'm obsessed with the Equals album. That's all :)

Byee besties

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