Forbidden One Shot

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Hey everyone this is a One Shot based off of the book Forbidden by kaylabastian01 who has given kindly given me permission to write this. 

You might be confused if you haven't read the book. It's one of my favorites and I recommend it to everyone, so you should definitely read it!

Louis POV

There was no alarm in the morning and it was amazing. The first day of summer. Harry was in my arms like every morning and it almost felt like it was a dream. "Good morning baby." I whispered into his ear. I watched as he stirred awake with a smile.

"It's summer!" Harry exclaimed sleepily. "Can you believe it? We're going to be able to be with each other all of the time."

"I know, I'm so excited." I kissed his neck and laid my head there just feeling the heat of his body. Sometimes I had to remind myself that Harry was real and that he wasn't just a figment of my imagination. "I have something planned for us later today." I confess.

"I can't wait." We continued to cuddle until we heard both of our stomach's grumbling in unison like a marching band of hunger. "Do you want to go out? Or should I make something?"

Harry pondered for a moment and threw one of my sweatshirts on. I loved it when he did that it was just more proof that I existed in his world, "we should make pancakes together!"

"Alright." I chuckled because I knew it would be me who made the pancakes in the end. "I love you. Do you know that?" I felt like I constantly had to remind him that, after what happened when my mother passed away. It was my job to make Harry feel loved and I hope this time around I can actually do it instead of throwing it all away when life got too much to handle.

"I know that and I love you too." Harry smiled and kissed me quickly before running down the stairs into the kitchen. I followed him, after getting dressed in a short sleeve shirt, I had no idea what he was doing in a sweatshirt when it was clearly summer time.

When I got down to the kitchen, Harry was already looking at a recipe on his phone and writing down all of the ingredients on a sheet of paper. I wrapped my arms around Harry's waist which made him smile like a little kid on Christmas. "I know the recipe by heart." I took his phone out of his hands and pocketed it. "Grab flour, vanilla extract, sugar, salt," I continued listing off more items until they were all bunched together on the counter.

Once we finished making the pancakes we ate them together at the small, circular table. I wanted to say so many things to him like how I was living on autopilot until I met him, just trying to get through everyday, but he brought me back to life. I just didn't know how to word it.

After a couple hours of doing boring grown up stuff I decided that it was time to start my 'first day of summer surprise'. "Hazza, get dressed, we are going to do something fun!"

"What is it?" He asked me.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." I smiled a charming smile. The plan was that we would go a few towns over and go shopping for summer stuff for when we go visit my family in a few weeks. I was so excited to see my sisters again and check up on them. When Harry left, they were practically pushing me out the door to go and get back with him. I denied it for as long as I could until I realized they were right. Part of me feels bad for leaving them so quickly but I know that it's ok to do things for myself.

While Harry was upstairs getting dressed in a more weather appropriate outfit, I put the wicker picnic basket full of sandwiches in the back of the car. And then, I hid it with a blanket from inside the house.

Harry eventually got in the car and I intertwined our fingers together resting our hands on the center console. We sang along to our favorite bands like The Fray, Coldplay, and The Beatles until we got to the first shop.

It was small and dim inside the store, not much room for us to roam around. Liam told me about this store and how he loved to look at all the knick knacks. We walked around a little but were unlucky in finding anything really. Harry and I did end up buying a blow up beach ball and some chocolate coins for the way home, but that was it.

After I handed the woman a crumpled up 10 dollar bill, Harry and I walked on the sidewalk to the next store. This one was a clothing store and it was very beautiful inside. It had a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a rose pink colored wallpaper. It smelled nice too, almost like lavender, but I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was.

We bought a few things there too and eventually we both got hungry again. I pulled Harry back to the car after he begged me to go to a restaurant a couple of times. I pulled the wicker picnic basket out of the car and watched as his beautiful green eyes went wide. "You made this? For us?"

"No, I made it for that woman over there." I teased, "yes I made it for us." We walked over to a nearby park and chose to sit under a willow tree that seemed to hide us away from the rest of the world. We ate the sandwiches and told each other things we had never talked about before to anyone else.

"I love you Lou. Thank you for all of this." Harry said as we finished up cleaning our area.

I smiled, "I love you too. Thank you for being mine."




I know it isn't much but, I hope you enjoyed it! I really loved writing it :)

Byee besties 

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