If I Could Fly

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Author's Note: Am I supposed to be on a break? Yes. Should I be doing this? Probably not. Oh well!

" Louis you are being unfair. I am allowed to have other friends, you can't take that away from me." They were standing in the back of a hidden dressing room. Today One Direction was supposed to be headlining on the Jimmy Fallon show for their album Made In The A.M.

"I understand that you are allowed to have other friends Harry. I was just saying that I wanted to spend more time with you that's all." Harry had been spending most of his time with his friend Eli. All Louis wanted to do was see him more often.

He sighed to himself, "Louis we live together, go on tour together, and we basically do everything together."

"Even with all of that Harry I never see you anymore! You're not understanding the point. I just wondered if you could cancel on Saturday with Eli or whoever it is. Obviously you can't. Sorry I even asked." Louis stomped out of the room tearing up a little. Leaving Harry alone to think about everything.

After thinking about it for a while Harry had come to the conclusion that Louis was right. He had been spending more time with Eli and some other friends. Harry wasn't being his usual romantic and fun self. How was he going to make it up to Louis now? He felt like he had messed it all up.

"5 more minutes and you're on!" Shout someone from outside the hall. When Harry walked out of the dressing room her found all of his bandmates sitting on the couch. Louis was next to Zayn and already glaring at him. Niall was next to Liam, so Harry would have to sit alone.

Harry decided that he was going to stop talking to Eli after this. In full honesty he wasn't that great of a friend and clearly made Louis jealous. "Louis I-"

"Save it, Harry. I want to be happy for the show." He picked up his phone and started scrolling on Instagram or Twitter Harry couldn't tell which one.

After the five minutes was up all 5 of the boys went out on the stage and then sat on the couch. "Hello, One Direction come sit." Said Jimmy. "I am so excited to have you guys on the show."

"We are so glad to be here!" Liam responded.

"So boys, how have you been? One Direction hasn't been on the show in a while."

The crowd chuckled, "We've been doing well. Working really hard on our new album." Answered Harry.

"Ah yes. Made In The A.M. really is an amazing album. I haven't been able to stop singing all of the songs. They are just stuck my head." Jimmy embarrassingly sang Perfect to the crowd, "Speaking of Perfect. Harry and Louis wrote it together, which I am assuming is about your relationship."

Harry's heart sank, "Um, yeah, it is about us mostly. Of course we had to add in some lines that don't apply to us, but for the most part all of it is true."

Self control, Louis thought to himself, "it was so much fun to write with Harry. Which we've of course done in the past, but the boys let us make this album a little bit more about us. So we could express ourselves a bit because we never got to when we were under Syco."

Jimmy smiled, "I am so happy that you boys are finally free from that horrible management. Now tonight, which song are you going to be blessing us with?"

"We are going to be singing If I Could Fly." Zayn answered glaring at Harry. He wasn't mad though because he knew that he deserved it.

"Then take it away!" They all walked up to the stage, Harry and Louis stood next to each other at the end of the line. Just then Harry knew exactly how to make it better.

The music started to play and then Harry sang, "If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to Lou." The whole crowd cooed at the cute lyric change, but little did they know it was fixing a horrible mistake, "I think I might, give up everything just ask me too."

Louis couldn't help but smile. Harry always knew how to make him feel better. "Pay attention, I hope that you listen, cause I let my guard down. Right now I'm completely defenseless."

Harry sang the chorus which almost brought Louis and everyone else in the room to tears, "I've got scars even though they can't always be seen. And pain gets hard, but now Harry's here and I don't feel a thing." They held each others hands before moving their mics just sing to each other instead of the crowd.

After the performance was over Harry and Louis ran off the stage without bowing or anything. They ran outside into the cold air. "I am so sorry, Louis. I didn't mean any of what I said in the dressing room. Of course I will cancel my thing on Saturday. And, every thing after-"

Louis didn't mean to shut him up by kissing him, but he just couldn't wait. "Oh, I'm sorry, go on."

"No its ok." Harry kissed him back as hard as he could. "I don't even want to be friends with Eli anymore. You are all I want."

"Hazza, no, you don't have to give up friends for me." Louis really didn't like them being friends but did he really have a say in that?

Harry smiled at his beautiful boyfriend. He was like a masterpiece in an art gallery, "No, you listen to me. Eli isn't that great of a friend. He isn't worth making you jealous over. He's actually quite mean."

"Alright it you say so." They stayed outside together until they felt like their hands were falling off from the cold. And then on the way home all Harry could think about was the amazing date that he was going to plan for Saturday.





I hope you liked this one shot! I had fun writing it :)


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Byee besties

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