Welcome To The Family

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Heyyy I'm back again with my little collab thing with PanAceLarry_28
Today we have... PET SHOPPING!
Enjoy besties :)

A few days earlier

"Harryyyy!" Louis called from the couch. He stared desperately at his phone scrolling through different cats. The human society was over flowing. "HARRYYY"

"Coming Lou, one minute!" He shouted back and just as quick he was in the room. "What is it love?"

Louis stood up and wrapped his arms around  Harry. "I was wondering." He kissed him, "if we could possibly get a cat..."

Harry rolled his eyes just a little bit, "a cat? I though you were a dog person."

"I am but the humane society has too many cats and we should adopt one! Please?" Louis begged. Harry couldn't resist it and having another friend around wouldn't be so bad.

"Alright. Sure, let's get a cat."

Louis jump up, "WOO! We're getting a kitten." He danced around.

Present Day:

They went to the humane society early in the morning so that they could play with them for a little bit.

"Are we there yet?" Louis asked 5 minutes into the drive.

"No not yet." He said. The place was only a few minutes away but Louis was so impatient. "What kind of cat do you want?"

"I don't want a specific cat. I want to get the one that speaks to me." Louis smiled and grabbed Harry's hand from the center console. "This is going to be so fun."

Harry smiled at him. He loved seeing his Lou happy. It was going to be amazing.

They eventually made it to the Humane Society and were greeted by the receptionist with blue scrubs. "Hi I'm Jennifer. Welcome to Westville Humane Society. What are you looking for?"

"We are looking for a cat." Harry smiled and squeezed Louis hand. Jennifer smiled and lead the couple down to where the cats were.

"Let me know when you have picked one out!" They walked in the room and there were cats everywhere. Fluffy ones, patterned ones, hairless ones, and cats of all ages. Louis eyes lit up like Christmas morning.

They hung out with the cats for a long time but one cat that kept coming back to them was a black and white one with green eyes. He seemed perfect.

"Hazza, I picked out the perfect one." He lifted the cat up to show him. "See isn't he so cute?"

Harry smiled so brightly that his dimples showed. He was so lucky to now have both of these boys in his life. "Yes he's purrrfect. Get it!!"

Louis rolled his eyes but he couldn't hide his smirk, "yes good joke Haz."

They bought the cat and apparently the cats name was Dusty which they decided to keep his name. Dusty Styles-Tomlinson, welcome to the family!

Dusty was the main character in this One Shot of course.

I appreciate you guys sooo much <33

Byee besties

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