Original Character (OC) Information

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•| Semper De Alger Obelia

Meaning of Semper:

Meaning of Semper:

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(When her eyes were magically jewelled by Claude)

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(When her eyes were magically jewelled by Claude)

(When her eyes were magically jewelled by Claude)

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Normal Eyes.

- Past Life name was Katarina.

- Past Life Age was 12 years old.

- Past Life Hobby was writing any kind of book.

- New life Name is Semper.

- New Life Age 11 years old.

- New Life Hobby is writing books.

- Goals: To become the famous writer of Obelia and Be the idol of everyone.

- Nicknames of her new life:
Limelight b*tch, Perverted Princess, Two faced, Orphaned Obelian, Sem (by Claude and Diana), Sister Semmie (by Athanasia).

- Normal in appearance compared to the other royals because of her not having any Obelian Royal Blood.

- Runs a guild given by Claude.

- Loves using degrading (to the core) words when in the mood.

- Uses pickup lines.

- Acts like a mute person and writes her responses on a notepad.

Perverted Princess  ~  A Wmmap FanficWhere stories live. Discover now