"Mom I'll visit soon I promise, you guys don't have to come all the way here"

"It's only an hour flight kwannie, plus we can just stay in a hotel"

"What?! Why would I make you guys stay in a hotel?! Vernon and I have plenty of space here if I wanted you guys to come here"

"What's so wrong about us coming there??"

"I rather come to you guys mom, I haven't been to jeju in a while. Look spring break is in two weeks I'll buy a ticket how about that?"

"Okay okay! And make sure you bring Vernon too we haven't seen him in such a long time either"

Seungkwan chuckled at this and hummed in agreement as he bid his mom goodbye and hung up. He sighed and tossed his phone on the couch and went back to cleaning around his place since he was bored and Vernon was at work, classes were canceled for today so of course everyone was taking advantage of it. He finished cleaning just as Vernon walked through the front door, already loosening his tie, he was working with his father since he was taking over the company next and always had dress professionally.

"You're home!"


Vernon greeted his lover with a kiss then sighed deeply and rested his head on his shoulder while sighing deeply as the pink haired boy just ran a hand through his hair.

"Long day?"

"God I don't even want to think about it"

Seungkwan smiled softly at this before cupping his lovers cheeks, "Chicken and beer?"

Vernon smirked at this and nodded while pecking his lovers lips. "I love you"

Seungkwan was caught off guard at this since his lover never said those words but still couldn't help but laugh, "because I'm getting you chicken?!"

"Well that's one of the reasons"

The pink haired boy just rolled his eyes at this and sent his lover off to shower while he ordered some delivery then went to see if they had any beer left which of course they didn't.

Seungkwan sighed and grabbed his wallet quickly yelling that he'd be back and left the apartment, the convenience store was only five minutes away from their place and Vernon tended to take long showers so he hoped to be back before the older boy got out.

He reached the store within five minutes like expected, greeting the owner as always then going to grab the beers. He chatted with the owner for a little bit then finally left and began heading back home as his phone suddenly rang, Vernon was calling him.

"Why are you calling?"

"Yah, where'd you go?!"

"We ran out of beer, so I went to get some"

"Huh?! Why didn't you just wait for me??"

"It's only a five minute walk Hansol"

"Yes but it's also dark out I don't like you being out on your own, especially after what happened"

"I'm fine sol, I'm getting in to the elevators now, I'll see you upstairs"

"Fine fine the food is here come quickly "

They hung up as Seungkwan got into the elevators and pressed his floor, someone quickly running in behind him before the doors closed catching him off guard.

"Eighth floor please"

"Huh? Oh sure"

This person lived on top of him and Vernon but he had never seen them before but still kept to himself as they finally reached his floor and he quickly got out.

"You should dump him"-The guy suddenly said this making the pink haired boy look at him confused


"You'll end up dead the longer you stay"-The elevator doors closed before Seungkwan could even think of a reply.

"What the hell?"- He mumbled to himself deciding not to tell his lover as he quickly went inside where Vernon was already eating making him frown.

"Geez couldn't wait for me to come back?"

"I was too excited"

Seungkwan chuckled at this and rolled his eyes placing their beers on the table before being pulled into his lovers lap making him raise a brow but get comfortable anyway.

"Are you sure you're not excited for something else?"

"Yah, cut me a little slack I'm not that needy"

"Eh?! I've dated you for the last seven years sir, I think otherwise"

Vernon just chuckled at this and hummed in reply, "Fine fine, you win"

"You give up too easily"

Seungkwan mumbled this while straddling his lover, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Hm? I'll have you know I'm quite competitive"

Seungkwan couldn't help but smile at this as they pressed their lips together, Vernon holding his lover tightly as he deepened their kiss both of them getting more into it before there was a knock at the door making the couple freeze.

"Were you expecting someone?"

"Hell no, but they sure are being a cock block"

Seungkwan hit his lovers chest at this as the older chuckled and pecked his lips before moving him off his lap as the pink haired boy sighed and went back to eating their chicken while Vernon went to the door and looked through the peephole, cursing under his breath before turning back to his lover.

"It's my dad"

"Huh?! Geez I haven't even properly met him yet"

"Just go wait in the room I don't think he's in the mood to meet anyone right now"

Seungkwan frowned at this but went into their bedroom anyway as Vernon let in his father who he heard starting to yell a few minutes later making the younger sigh and put in his earbuds blasting his music so he wouldn't have to hear his boyfriend getting yelled at, eventually falling asleep.

Seungkwan woke up the next morning without Vernon, seeing his earbuds neatly placed on the nightstand with a sticky note next to it which he tiredly grabbed, reading what it said.

"I'm leaving for a few days. Don't worry, I'll be fine"

Seungkwan quickly grabbed his phone at this and called the older while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, the call immediately going to voicemail making him curse and try calling again before deciding to just leave a message and hoped his lover would listen to it.


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