"He just left?!"

"Mhm, I call him everyday even though I know it is going to go right to voicemail"

Seungkwan sighed while saying this, slowly stirring his drink with his straw. He had gone out with Jeonghan and Wonwoo after class since he really needed someone to talk to.

"You're too calm about this"

"It's not the first time ya know"

"Eh?? What do you mean?! He's done this before, why didn't you tell us?!"

"He came back after two days and replied to my calls, I wasn't as worried then but it's already been a week and I feel so defeated. We've been together for seven years yet I don't even know my own boyfriend, what the hell"

"Hey don't beat yourself up about it kwan, it's not your fault"

"I know but it says a lot about our relationship doesn't it? I don't know a single thing about his family yet he knows everything about mine"


Seungkwan sighed deeply and ruffled his hair, "I love that stupid idiot even when he stresses the hell out of me! Am I crazy??"

"Crazy in love"-Jeonghan stated as younger just sighed.

"God I'm a fool, that jerk better call me tonight!"

Wonwoo and Jeonghan chuckled at this thinking the younger was absolutely adorable even though he was upset. He stayed out with his friends for while before finally going back home, changing into a oversized shirt and some shorts then grabbing a beer from the fridge and just sitting at his table and sighing deeply, resting his head on his palm and taking small sips of his beer while staring off into space before his phone suddenly buzzed making him flinch but quickly grab it, answering it once he saw that Vernon was calling.


"Hey baby"

"Yah, Chwe Hansol what the hell!"-He suddenly yelled this as he heard his lover chuckle on the other end

"I know I know, asshole move I'm sorry love"

"Ya think?! When are you coming home it's already been a week"

"Soon very soon"

"You mean it?"

"Yes baby I promise"

Seungkwan was about to ask another question before the front door suddenly opened making him freeze until seeing Vernon walk in as he quickly stood up and almost tackled the older down who hugged him tightly kissing all over his face then finally his lips which they both clearly missed before pulling away as the younger smacked his lovers chest.

"I suppose I deserve that huh?"

"No shit"- Seungkwan grumbled making his lover chuckle and kiss his lips before noticing the beer can on the table making him raise a brow.

"Were you planning on getting drunk?!"

"Well I didn't get a chance to last week, at least tell me ahead of time if you plan on leaving for a week!"

"I would if I knew ahead of time Kwan, you know that" 

Seungkwan just sighed at this while glaring at the floor before going into their bedroom, Vernon following close behind.

"Don't be upset baby"

"I'm not upset, j-just sleepy"

Verkwan//Modern LoveWhere stories live. Discover now