Vernon sighed deeply while standing in front of his parents place, not wanting to take another step on the property but one of the security guards noticed him and opened the gate before he could walk away. He begrudgingly thanked them and made his way up to the front door, unlocking it with his spare key and walking inside, being greeted by Sofia's cat, making him smile and pet the fluffy creature before walking further into the house, not seeing his mom anywhere meaning she was probably out with his grandmother as always.
He made his way to his fathers office and hesitantly knocked on the door, receiving a quick 'Enter' as he walked in, his father glancing at Vernon from his computer then motioning him to sit in the chair across from his desk which he did.

"Why did you want to see me?"

"We need discuss when it will be the right time for you to take over the company"

"Really?? Dad we've talked about this so many times already, my place literally got broken into last week and Seungkwan is still shaken up over it!"

"Ah right that, i didn't think you were still with that boy"

"Well I'd bring him around to officially meet you and mom if you weren't so strict"

"Who said I wanted to meet him? I have no interest in your love life unless it affects my business"

"Dad, you should at least meet him once-"

"Why should I? Don't tell me you plan to marry him, you can date whoever you want but marriage is an even bigger commitment"

"Why does it matter?!"

"Don't tell me that's a serious question? How will he benefit the company Vernon?? If anything what will he bring us?? What type of work do his parents do?"

"They own an orange orchard and have a few Cafés"

His father scoffed at this, "You're dating the son of farmers?! I thought I raised you better then that"

"What are you implying?"

"Do I really have to say? Our family doesn't mingle with commoners"

"Commoners?! You haven't even met him!"

"No need to, I've heard enough"

"What makes you so different?? You were a bastard killing people who didn't agree with you before you became a business man"

Vernon said this before standing and leaving his fathers office, slamming the door behind him as he quickly left the house and getting into his car, driving away quickly until being stopped by a red light as he sighed deeply while running a hand through his hair and bumping his forehead against the steering wheel before his phone buzzed to show unanswered messages and calls realizing that he had left it in the car making him curse and quickly grab it just as the light turned green, he drove for a little bit before pulling to the side by a near by park and grabbing his phone again, seeing that Seungkwan had called and texted him quite a few times, as he began reading through them.

Boo💕:Sol where are you? The festival already started

Boo💕:Why aren't you answering your phone??

Boo💕:I'm gonna be walking around with Hannie and Cheol, get here soon

Boo💕:You're still not here? I really hate third wheeling!

Boo💕:Are you sleeping??

Boo💕:Answer your phone please, I'm getting worried

Boo💕:You forgot didn't you?

Boo💕:It's fine, Don't come.

Vernon cursed again and quickly started up his car again, he completely forgot that he promised his lover that they could go to the festival and treat it as a date since there was bound to be a bunch of couples there anyway. He got to the school within an hour and half since his parents lived in one of the more wealthy towns he quickly rushed into the festival trying to find his lover who he eventually found sitting alone at a nearby table scrolling through his phone. Vernon quickly went over to the nearby food stand and bought two burgers since it was the younger's favorite food and he knew Seungkwan never ate when he was sad. He sneakily walked over and sat next to his lover catching the blonde off guard who frowned and scooted away from him once he realized as Vernon just pulled him back towards him and hugged his waist tightly.

"I really didn't mean to forget baby"


"Oh c'mon, silent treatment?"


"I'm really sorry baby, I wasn't planning to forget"

Seungkwan sighed at this while folding his arms over his chest "You always say that"

"I know I know but I mean it, really, I was at my parents place and left my phone in the car on accident that's why I didn't answer"

"You mean it?"

"Of course baby, you know I'd never ditch you like this"

Seungkwan nodded at this slightly since it was true, he's never been ditched by the older even when he's annoyed the hell out if him.

Vernon sighed in relief when his lover finally turned to face him and nuzzled his face in his chest, the area they were sitting in was fairly secluded so they didn't have to worry about being seen.

"You made me third wheel!"

"I know, it won't happen again, Now eat, I know you haven't"- Vernon said this while chuckling as he pressed the burger to his lovers lips who didn't bother trying to argue and began eating, the older eating his as well.

"Why are you here alone by the way? What happened to Han and cheol?"

"Hannie got tired and the baby kept giving him cramps so they went home so he could rest so I hung out with Chan and Moonbin for a little bit.

Vernon frowned slightly at this, "Moonbin?"

"He has a boyfriend Sol"

"I didn't say anything"

Seungkwan rolled his eyes at this, They had met Moonbin in their freshman year and he and Seungkwan immediately hit it off but Vernon was secretly jealous and didn't like when said boy was around but now he tolerated him more since he was a good friend of Seungkwan.

The couple stayed there enjoying their burgers and walked around for a little bit before finally heading home.


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