"He's definitely going to propose kwan"

"I don't think so hyung, it's too soon"

Seungkwan grumbled this while on the phone with Jeonghan, currently packing his and Vernon's suitcases for Jeju while the elder was at work.

"Too soon?! You guys are about to have your eighth anniversary aren't you?? It's the perfect time"

"I dunno hyung, I mean he's mentioned it here and there but I'm sure it won't be for a while"

"Tsk tsk, I get to be the decorator if I'm right"

The blonde laughed at this and nodded, "sure sure but don't be upset when you don't get a call~"

"You brat! I have to get going but I'll be expecting my phone call very soon"


They hung up as Seungkwan quickly finished packing and sat there luggage by the front door, they had an afternoon flight tomorrow so he decided to deep clean their place now. So it wouldn't be too dusty when they got back. He cleaned for about an hour and a half before finally collapsing on the couch from exhaustion, saying he was bored would be an understatement. Vernon wouldn't be home until close to midnight and it was only late afternoon.

He sighed before sitting up with a pout on his face, he was really lonely without his boyfriends company, maybe he was a little too dependent on him sometimes but that didn't mean he'd stop. Eventually his boredom got so strong that he decided to just call his boyfriend, hoping the older would pick up and surprisingly, he did by the last ring.

"Hey baby, need something?"

"Not really, are you busy?"

"Mm, I'm taking my break so not really. You rarely call me when I'm working is something wrong??"

"No no! I'm just a little bored and maybe a little lonely because my boyfriend isn't here to snuggle with me"

Vernon chuckled at this but played along.

"I guess I should come home early and snuggle my baby then shouldn't I?"

"Mhm, your baby would appreciate that a lot!"

"I'm sorry love, I wish I could leave early"

"It's okay sollie, I guess I'll have to get used to this new normal"- Seungkwan mumbled this with a pout so strong Vernon swore he could see if.

"Oh don't say it like that, it makes me feel bad, especially when you pout like that"

"Who said I was pouting, I'm not!"

"Love I know that pouty voice of yours better then anyone"

"You're just delusional Chwe Hansol"

Vernon laughed at this and hummed in reply tiredly, "Sure I'll be delusional for you baby"

A shy smile crept on the younger's lips while he blushed.

"I miss you sollie"

"I know boo, I'll be home before you know it"

Seungkwan just hummed in reply while hugging his knees to his chest. He didn't usually miss his lover this badly but today was different, he really really missed him.

"So you wouldn't be able to come home early at all??"

"If I could I'd be there in a heartbeat"

Seungkwan huffed in disappointment at this, he wanted kisses and to be snuggled and honestly maybe something else but he wouldn't mention that.

Vernon chuckled when he heard his lovers disappointment but he had to get back to working soon. "I'll see you later tonight love, I have to get back to work"

"Ah, I wasted your break I'm sorry"

"What?? No of course not love, it's not like I was doing anything. Make sure to eat dinner, I'll see you later"

The blonde nodded but still felt guilty as they hung up. He order himself some dinner then washed up and headed to bed not too long after, he couldn't fall asleep of course but hugging his lovers pillow helped, happy to smell his shampoo which made him relaxed but still not enough to sleep.

He began touching himself softly out of need but ended up stopping from embarrassment not too mention Vernon hated when he touched himself but unfortunately he was now hard and couldn't do anything about it, so he waited with wild thoughts.

After what felt like years Vernon got home and made his way to the bedroom, thinking his lover was asleep as he washed up and slipped into bed with him, kissing his shoulder as a silent greeting and hugging his waist. Seungkwan had manage to drift off but once he heard the front door open he woke up. Still in his half asleep state he grabbed his lovers hand and placed it to his member, the older boy beginning to stroke him silently then kissing down his neck.

"So this is why you wanted me home so badly hm?"

"N-no Ah! I really m-missed you"

Vernon stroked faster while beginning to leave hickeys making his lover cry out from the pleasure. The older feeling turned on himself but he wasn't really in the mood for sex tonight, or at least he thought.

"Why did you miss me so much today hm?"

"I-I don't- Ah! Wait not that fast!"

The younger cried out at the sudden pace as he finally released, Vernon covering his member with his hand so they wouldn't have to change the sheets.

"W-what about you?"

"Mm, I'm fine"

Vernon said this while grabbing a cloth to clean his lover up who was pouting.

"Liar, just because it's dark doesn't mean I can't see how hard you are"- Seungkwan grumbled this while climbing on top of his lover and straddling him.

Vernon just sat with a smirk on his lips while rubbing his lovers thighs softly. He forgot who his boyfriend was for a second, the younger boy was dangerous in bed since he could get his lover in the mood for sex in just seconds.

"You always seem to catch me in your little trap boo"

"My trap? I don't know what you mean"

Vernon scoffed at this while pulling his lover down to his lips as they kissed deeply while removing the rest of their clothing. Seungkwan planned to ride his lover but the older clearly had other ideas as he was laid on his stomach, Vernon didn't waste any time prepping him and quickly slipped on a condom and pushed in his whole length making his lover cry out at the pain and pleasure. The older really did get bigger and Seungkwan had to get used to it all over again and with Vernon working more he didn't really get the chance to adjust to it.

Vernon began thrusting harshly until his lover finally released again, this of course not slowing him down at all until he finally released as well.


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