Seungkwan was currently frowning while looking at himself in the mirror, poking at his small amount of belly fat and huffing in disappointment. He was quite a confident person but when it came to his weight he was very self conscious.

"Geez Kwan you ate too much junk"- He mumbled this to himself, mentally scolding himself before hearing Vernon walk in.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh N-Nothing"

His lover wasn't convinced at all since he knew how the younger was, especially when he just stood in front of their mirror, he had been doing it a lot since he got out of the hospital a few days ago.

"Baby it's normal and healthy to have weight on you"-Vernon said this while hugging his lovers waist and kissing his cheeks making the younger pout since he couldn't hide it.

"I-it's weird to look at it myself in the mirror"

"Then don't, don't pay attention to your body, let me only look at it. What happened to the boy who boldly asked me out after only knowing him for a few days hm?"

Seungkwan blushed at this and finally turned to face his lover, "I-I was eleven"

"Mhm and happily said the first thing on your mind, I'll never forget how red your face was after you realized"

"You just looked at me confused and walked away!!"

"Mmhm but I fell in love with you that day."-Vernon said this while cupping his lovers cheeks and kissing him deeply but softly making the blonde hug him close until they finally pulled away and he hid his face in his neck, trying to keep himself from crying, Vernon always knew how to get to him and make him feel better.

"I hate when you do this"

"Mhmm, I love it too baby"

The younger smacked his lovers chest as this making the older chuckle and hug him tightly.

"I'm not apologizing Mom"

"Still I hate when you argue with your father Hansol"

Vernon rolled his eyes at this he was currently in the car waiting for Seungkwan to get out of class and his mom just so happened to call

"But why do I have to apologize? I was raised by him, he can't expect me to just sit silently while he insults my boyfriend!"

His mom sighed but hummed in agreement, "I will admit he was definitely in the wrong there, look I'll talk to him and try to convince him to apologize as well but you know how big his ego is"

Vernon sighed in relief at this, "thank you"

"Oh! Well that's not why I called though, Sofia's birthday is this weekend and I'd like for you to bring Seungkwan with you"

Vernon froze at this, not expecting his mom to initiate the meeting before he had a chance to.

"Y-you want to meet him?!"

"Hansol it's been seven years, you should've let me meet him years ago"

"Uh what about dad?"

"He'll be on a business trip so it will just be us"

"Geez looks like one thing still hasn't changed"- Vernon grumbled this, his father was always too busy to celebrate birthdays, it's been that way since he was a baby.

"Think of it as a good think Hansol, we don't have to worry about everyone being tensed on your sisters special day"

"Ya ya I know, I'll talk to Seungkwan about it, he's been wanting to meet you guys as well"

"Good! I'll talk to you later"

Vernon hummed in reply as he hung up just as he saw his lover coming out of the school with Joshua and Wonwoo before finally walking over to the car and getting in, greeting his lover with a kiss.

"Were you waiting long?"

"Not really, I was talking to my mom. She wants to meet you"

The blonde looked at his lover wide eyes, not expecting to hear that. "D-does she really? When??"

"My sisters birthday is coming up, she wants you to join us this weekend"

"Huh?! This weekend?! Hansol it's Thursday that's not enough time to find a present!"- Seungkwan whined while quickly typing up present ideas "what does Sofia like?? Wait how old is she gonna be?!"

"Mmm, she's turning 18 this years I do believe, baby don't stress out about it she'll take anything from you if it has cats on it"

Seungkwan frowned at his lover and continued looking for something to buy, "let's stop by the mall, I need to find something nice!"

Vernon just hummed in reply, amused by his lovers annoyance as they made their way to the mall. The older trying to reach for his lovers hand who just pulled it away and folded his arms.

"What? You don't even want to hold my hand?"

"No, I'm mad at you"

Vernon chuckled at this while wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing his cheek, putting all of his body weight on the younger who just rolled his eyes and struggled to walk.

"You're so annoying!"

"Hold my hand~"-Vernon said this cheerfully while kissing his lovers cheek until getting a giggle out of him.

"Fine! Fine! You're so clingy!"- Seungkwan grumbled this but couldn't help but smile, his cheeks turning pink while holding his lover's hand tightly.

"Clingy?? Don't know what you mean"

"You act all cool and collected but you're secretly clingy and love to cuddle! Oh! And you get flustered really easily"- Seungkwan said this teasingly making his lover raise a brow and pull him close to him, they were still in the parking lot which was fairly empty as the older kissed him deeply catching the younger off guard but kiss back until they had to pull away from the loss of air, Vernon leaning down to his ear with a smirk.

"Who's the flustered one now?"

Seungkwan blushed at this unable to meet his lovers gaze while smacking his chest.

"Y-your annoying"

"You love me"

"Shut up, let's go"

Vernon hummed in reply as they began walking to the entrance, beginning their shopping spree.


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