They finally reached Vernon's place as the security guard opened the gate for them. Seungkwan holding his lovers hand tightly from both nerves and excitement, attempting to hide behind him but the older wouldn't let him. Vernon was about to unlock the door with his key before noticing how nervous his lover was making him hug him close and cup his cheeks,

"Calm down love, they're really sweet I promise"

"I-I know"

"You aren't calm enough yet"

Seungkwan pouted at this but took in a deep breath until he felt a little better, Vernon was still very adamant about making sure he wasn't stressed in any away.

"Much better"

The older said this while pecking his lovers lips then turning back to the door and unlocking it as they went inside.

"Mom?? We're here!"-Vernon yelled this in english, catching Seungkwan off guard he tended to forget his boyfriend was literally Korean-American.

"In the living room Hansol, I'm a bit preoccupied right now!"-His mom yelled this back as the older boy grabbed his lovers hand and took him through the house into the living room where his mom was on the couch feeding a random kid some grapes. Seungkwan seeing where Vernon got his looks from.

"Uh what's with the kid??"

"A friend of mine is out on a business trip with her husband so she asked if I could watch him for a few days, his name is Ye-Jun"-His mom said this while cleaning the toddlers hands before noticing Seungkwan slightly hiding behind her son as her eyes lit up.

"Oh! How rude of me! You must be Seungkwan! My son has told me a lot about you"-Mrs.Chwe said this in slightly messy Korean while sitting Ye-Jun on the couch and walking over.

"Ah, H-hello"- The blonde boy said this nervously while reaching out to shake the older woman's hand who just pulled him into a tight hug.

"Don't be so formal dear, you've been with my son for seven years you're pretty much family now, My Korean isn't great but I understand it perfectly so just bare with me"- Mrs.Chwe said this with a kind smile making Seungkwan feel all warm inside since the woman really was incredibly sweet.

"I-it's nice to finally meet you"

"You as well, I just wish my son brought you around much sooner"- Mrs.Chwe said this while frowning at Vernon who had found some cookies, completely relaxed making his lover chuckle.

"By the way, where's Sofia, don't tell me that brat has already ran off??"

"Who are you calling a brat you rat!"-A girl said this in English while walking down the stairs a large cat in her arms before noticing Seungkwan as her eyes lit up, they had only talked on the phone once before so she was really excited when she found out her mom invited him. She handed Vernon the large cat and quickly ran over to Seungkwan and almost tackled him down.

"Geez don't hurt him"- Vernon said this holding back a chuckle while his lover was being squeezed into his sisters tight hug.

"He's pretty like I expected, at least you have good taste with something"-Sofia said this cheerfully making Seungkwan chuckle while Vernon frowned at her snarky comment.

"Is that meant to mean something??"

"Nothing at all! Oppa come with me I'll show you my brothers baby pictures!"-Sofia said this while dragging Seungkwan to another room, Vernon taking a moment to realize what she said but it was already too late to stop her.

"No point in convincing her otherwise, I'm sure she'll manage to get Seungkwan out of his shell more"-His mom said this as the older boy hummed in agreement and joined her on the couch, Ye-Jun staring at him intensely making him nervous, kids were just strange to him but his lover had already said he wanted a big family of his own.

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