Seungkwan woke up breathing heavily as he looked around, calming down slightly when he realized he was still in bed, quickly wiping away the tears that stained his cheeks not realizing that he was probably crying in his sleep. He had a nightmare, it turned out the whole break in situation stressed him out more then he thought so it managed to reach his dreams. He was about to lay back down before realizing that Vernon wasn't next to him making him frown since it was four in the morning yet said boy wasn't in bed. The blonde threw the covers off himself and made his way out of the room seeing his lover on the couch with his bulky headphones on, typing away on his computer, he was a music major like Jihoon so he tended to stay up late making different beats and such for fun. He walked over to his lover and sat next to him on the couch as Vernon paused whatever music he was listening to and rested the headphones on his neck.

"You okay love did I wake you??"

"No, just a nightmare why are you up so late sollie"

"Couldn't slee- Yah were you crying?!"- Vernon asked this while moving his computer to the side and cupping his lovers cheeks, noticing how puffy his eyes were when he finally got a good look at him.

"I-it was just from the nightmare Sol I'm fine!"-Seungkwan grumbled making his lover sigh and peck his lips before finally letting go of his cheeks as the younger nuzzled up against his chest, Vernon wrapping his arm around his lovers waist to hold him close while putting his headphone back on and going back to what he was doing.

Seungkwan fell back to sleep after watching his lover for a little bit. Vernon kept working until six in the morning as he shut off his computer and tossed it to the side along with his headphones as he carefully layed down, deciding they could just sleep on the couch so he wouldn't wake his lover. Seungkwan unconsciously nuzzling into his neck making his lover smile and kiss his head before finally falling asleep.
The couple slept until mid afternoon since neither of them had class for another week as the festival was still going on. Vernon was the first to get up and wash up which is something Seungkwan beat him at since he was a morning person but he stayed curled up on the couch until his lover walked over to get him up.

"Baby get up, let's get some lunch"

The blonde didn't answer and just grumbled while burying himself in the blanket.

"Boo you can't sleep in all day"

"Mmm, not hungry"

"Hm? Are you sure? You didn't have much to eat yesterday"

Seungkwan finally opened his eyes and looked up at his lover with a small pout.

"I don't feel good Sol"

"Huh? Do you feel sick or are you in pain??"-Vernon asked this while helping his lover sit up only for said boy to curl over in pain, holding his stomach tightly, making his lover even more worried.

"M-my stomach hurts too much to move"

"Okay okay, just lay back down I'll call for an ambulance"

"No! That's too much sol, let's just wait! I'm sure I'll be fine in a few hours"

"Baby if it's something serious I need to get you to the hospital"

Seungkwan just shook his head making his lover frown, he knew how much the younger hated hospitals but something was telling him to call an ambulance anyway so he did.
The blonde wasn't happy about this but he was also just too weak to yell at his lover while they sat in the ambulance.
They finally got to the hospital as Seungkwan was immediately placed in a room and checked over while Vernon had to wait outside before the doctor finally came out of the room.

"Is he okay?! What's going on?"

"Fortunately it's just gastritis, we've given some pain meds and he is currently sleeping so you may see him"

"Gastritis?? Why though, this is so sudden"

"Has he been stressed lately? Based off his answers to our questions he doesn't seem to be an avid drinker or a smoker but he's most likely had the gastritis for a few days at most but our test will let us know"

"Stressed? Ah a little bit ya, we had a break in almost two weeks ago"

The doctor nodded at this as if all of his questions were answered.

"Stress may have been the main cause of the gastritis then, it's not as common of a factor as excessive drinking and smoking but it does happen and it can be quite painful"

"He should be okay though right??"

"Yes yes, overall he is quite healthy so he should make a full recovery without issue but try to find a way for him not to be so stressed or he'll just end up right back in here"

Vernon nodded and thanked the doctor before going into his lovers room and sitting in a chair next to the bed. Seungkwan sound asleep and fortunately didn't seem to be in pain anymore making the older relieved.

"Should I get him a pet??"

"Uhh, what kind of pet exactly?"

Vernon shrugged at this while leaning against the wall next to Seungkwan's hospital room, currently on the phone with Seungcheol.

"I dunno, a dog maybe?"

"I thought you didn't like dogs"

"Well I mean I tolerate them, I could try a cat, he seems to like them"

"Well I mean Hannie has a whole rock that he's in love with so-"

"Oh my god he actually has a rock, I thought Seungkwan was just joking"

Seungcheol just sighed and hummed in agreement.

"I say just ask him about it, maybe he will want a cat, who knows"

"Ya, as long as it'll clear his mind some, I'm gonna go, he should be awake now"

"Kay! Let me know how it goes"

Vernon hummed in reply and hung up as he walked back into his lovers room where the younger was indeed awake. He had been in the hospital for about three days now and fortunately the stomach pain was starting to go away completely meaning he could go home soon.

"Where'd you run off to sol?"

"Just outside talking to Seungcheol"

Vernon said this kissing his lovers cheek before sitting next to him on the bed and immediately getting straight to the point.

"Do you want a dog?"

"Huh?! Uh w-whats with the sudden question?!"

"The doctor said I need to make sure your aren't stressed so you obviously need a distraction"

Seungkwan just looked at his lover shocked since he was very serious before a small giggle left his lips, the room soon being filled with his laughter, while Vernon frowned.

"Hansol you're adorable!"

"What?! I'm serious!"

Seungkwan just kept laughing at this while his lover frowned, clearly confused.


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