Seungkwan was currently cursing Vernon in his head while sitting on his hotel bed his butt hurt like hell and he had to hide his limp since he and Vernon had sex everyday leading up to when the blonde would be leaving for Busan. He was also a little upset that Jeonghan ended up going into labor when he was already on the train but Joshua sent him pictures of the twins, both girls looked so similar to their parents that it was almost scary.

Mingyu had also suddenly dropped the news that Wonwoo was three months pregnant which honestly wasn't a surprise to any of their friends they were all waiting for it. However it was very surprising when they found out both Minghao and Jihoon got pregnant at the same time especially since they had both said they weren't having kids until they were closer to thirty but this just left Seungkwan as the only one not pregnant which made him really upset but he hid it well since he knew he'd get his chance soon as well, there was Chan of course but he was literally a freshman and not dating anyone as far as they knew.

There was a knock at his door kicking him out of his thoughts as he stood and quickly went over to open it, seeing Sofia and Mrs.Chwe, he completely forgot they were supposed to be going exploring.

"Are you ready to go??"

"Oh right! Yup I'm ready!"

"Did you forget already??"-Sofia asked this teasingly as Seungkwan quickly shook his head

"Nope! Don't know what you mean"

Sofia chuckled at this as they made their way out of the hotel and took a taxi to a popular night market where they went crazy wanting to buy and eat almost everything. Seungkwan making a mental note to go on a diet when he got back home.

Meanwhile Vernon was currently at a gym with his father but not the type people went to for working out but for fighting, he hated to admit it but he was very similar to his father which is why they were at the gym fighting each other to blow off some steam and get rid of some tension. It wasn't a serious fight of course but it was necessary for them to continue having a decent relationship with each other.

The older boy was laying on his back trying to catch his breath after being thrown around for the fifth time that day. He honestly wasn't sure why he agreed to go to the gym with his father but part of him knew he still wanted to have a relationship with him.

"Your mother told me you brought that boy around"

Vernon sat up at this, frowning slightly. "He has a name you know and yes she wanted to meet him, she liked him a lot in case you were wondering"

"Well obviously if she went to Busan with him, do you intend on marrying him??"

Vernon froze at this not sure what to say before nodding slowly, "I do, whether you are against it or not"

His father sighed deeply before shrugging, "do what you want but remember the company is just as big of a priority"

Vernon looked at his father shocked, "Are you serious?! So will you meet him?"

His father looked like he wanted to say no but he simply said 'Fine' and that was the end of it


Vernon was impatiently waiting for his lover to get back, he should've been at work already but he told his father he'd come in later in the afternoon. The front door finally opened making him quickly stand and walk over catching his lover off guard.

"You're home! I thought you had work"

"I'm going in later, I wanted to meet you when you got here"

Seungkwan smiled at this and greeted his lover with a kiss making the older notice how puffy his eyes were, Vernon immediately cupping his cheeks.

"Love, what happened?? Why were you crying?"

Seungkwan just shrugged and didn't answer as he went to go place his things down, Vernon frowning and following after him.

"Boo what's going on??"

"It's nothing sol I'm fine, I was just sad to leave, I'm really tired can we just talk later?"

Vernon knew his lover was lying but decided to drop the topic to avoid a fight, he could just ask his mom. The older waited for his lover to change into some comfortable clothing then dragged him to the bed so they could cuddle. The younger hiding his face in his boyfriends neck, Vernon really wanting to pull the truth out of him but holding himself back.

Finally he decided to break their silence after about an hour.

"Have you eaten?"

Seungkwan peaked up at his lover at this and shook his head.

"I'm not really hungry"-The blonde said this but as if right on cue his stomach growled loudly making his lover raise a brow.

"Eggs and french toast sound good to you?"


"Yup eggs and french toast it is"

Vernon got up from the bed and made his way out of the room, ignoring his lovers pout as he went to prepare their breakfast which only took fifteen minutes.
They ate in comfortable silence only speaking occasionally before the older noticed his lover began picking at his food while staring off into space, something was definitely eating him up on the inside but Vernon had no idea how to get his lover to open up to him. They finished up eating and went back to their bedroom, Seungkwan curling up on the bed and hugging a pillow while Vernon got dressed for work, fiddling with his tie which wasn't acting right at all, usually he wouldn't wear one but his father asked for him to be more formal today, his lover eventually noticed his struggle and walked over, doing the tie for him effortlessly then pecking the elders cheek.

"You could've asked me to do it for you sol"

"I thought you were sleeping"

Seungkwan smiled and shook his head making his lover sigh and cup his cheeks.

"I'll see you tonight, let's finally talk then Kay?"


Vernon kissed his lover deeply but softly before finally leaving.


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