Seungkwan sighed deeply while looking at the three negative pregnancy tests in front of him. It had been almost two weeks since he and Vernon had decided to start trying for kids but every time the younger would take a test it would be negative. He threw out the tests and walked out the bathroom completely heartbroken, Vernon was at work since he had officially taken over his fathers company leaving his lover at home all day.
The blonde boy curled up in bed and rubbed his flat tummy, Joshua and Wonwoo had given birth to boys around the same time just a couple weeks ago meanwhile both Minghao and Jihoon had the same due dates so whenever Seungkwan would see them he couldn't help but rub their bellies to feel the baby kick. He was extremely happy for his friends, why wouldn't he be? But he really wanted to be able to feel his own baby moving around and the thought of not being able to have his own haunted him. His friends would say they were envious of him being engaged already and always wanted to say how envious he was of their families but just chuckled and held himself back.

Although he wanted to cry his eyes out right now he held himself back once his phone started ringing, quickly grabbing it once he saw that Vernon was calling him.

"Hey sollie!"

"Oh you're awake!"

"It's the middle of the day hansol of course I'm awake"

"Usually you're napping around this time though"

Seungkwan rolled his eyes at this but couldn't stop the grin growing on his lips, he was happy just to hear his lovers voice after being alone all day.

"Why are you calling sol, it's your lunch break no?"

"Uh ya about that"

Seungkwan had a feeling he already knew as he sighed deeply and made his way to the kitchen, opening the fridge to see his fiancé's lunch sitting there.

"Aish, Chwe Hansol"

"I woke up late and didn't realize, sorry love"

Seungkwan hummed in reply while grabbing his lovers lunch.

"I'll be there soon, you're lucky I didn't have class today you brat"

Vernon laughed at this while his lover frowned.

"You don't have to bring it love just eat it yourself, I can get something from the vending machines"

"No way! I made this specifically for you, you have to eat it!"

The blonde said this while pouting as he left their apartment, Vernon chuckling at his pout.

"Fine fine, clearly it's something you want me to try. Call me when you get here the receptionist will let you up"

Seungkwan cheerfully said okay as they hung up, He didn't have a car so he took a taxi to his lovers office which was pretty far out since it was in the more busy and richer towns compared to where they lived, neither of them wanted to move to a new place but knew they needed to. He reached the large building within the next thirty minutes because of traffic and quickly rushed inside, Vernon was in charge so his lunch could be as long as he wanted but the younger still felt bad. He went to the receptionist desk where a young woman was busily typing away before noticing him.

"How can I help you??"

"Ah, I'm here to see my fi- Mr.Chwe!"

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Huh? Oh he knows who I am, B-Boo Seungkwan??"

"Oh! Mr.Boo! Yes yes, come with me!"

He followed the young woman to the elevators, noticing how professional the other people there were dressed making him feel really anxious in his oversized hoodie and jeans even though Vernon would definitely hug him and tell him how adorable he looked.

"Take the elevator up to the 17th floor, Mr.Chwe's office is the last one to the right"

Seungkwan nodded and thanked her and made his way up to the 17th floor, still a little shocked by how fancy everything looked, he's never paid attention to his lovers wealth but this made him realize that he was indeed the fiancé of a very rich man. These thoughts always made him wonder how Vernon even fell for someone like him in the first place but he was thankful for it. He finally reached the 17th floor and stepped out seeing his lover standing outside his office talking on the phone in English as the blonde walked over, Vernon noticing him and smiling slightly but clearly having quite a serious conversation, still he leaned over and greeted his lover with a kiss then motioned him to wait in the office.
Seungkwan set up his lovers lunch while waiting as the older boy finally came back, gawking at the amount of food his lover prepared.

"Geez did you prepare more?!"

"Why did you think I wanted you to eat it so badly??"-Seungkwan said this with a grin as he was pulled into his lovers lap, his ears turning red from embarrassment.

"Y-yah what if someone walks in?!"

"It's my office, no one is allowed to walk in without my permission"

The blonde pouted at this but still made himself comfortable, his back pressed against his lovers chest as the older rested his chin on his shoulder while hugging his waist.

"I'm not marrying you if we get caught by someone"

Vernon chuckled at this and hummed in reply while pecking his lovers cheek before remembering they still had food to eat.

"Let's try this shall we?"

"Huh? Oh, you have to be honest if it doesn't taste good!"

"Sure sure"

Vernon reached over and grabbed the first piece of meat he set his eyes on and quickly ate it only for his face to scrunch up making his lover frown.

"T-Too sweet?"


"Eh?! It's supposed to be sweet though, did I mix up the salt and sugar again?"-Seungkwan grumbled this while tasting the meat himself and grimacing at the taste, it wasn't inedible but quite salty if eaten alone.

"It's not that bad love, plus everything else taste good so we can just eat it with those"

"You're just trying to make me feel better"

"I mean it, you aren't a professional so it's okay plus I know you're trying your best to make me lunch every morning"

"It's really not bad?"

"I promise it not, would you rather have me burn everything?"

Seungkwan chuckled at this and quickly shook his head.

"No I suppose not, just stick to making your sandwiches"

"Sandwiches? I hardly do that though"



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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