Seungkwan was currently out with Joshua looking for baby presents for Jeonghan since the older was supposed to be giving birth in a few days, fortunately he managed to make it pass graduation since he was afraid he'd give birth before then. Seungkwan was also relieved that he didn't get pregnant either, after his and Vernon's little accident the younger waited a week then took five pregnancy tests, four of them said negative but one said uncertain which made him nervous but decided that it was probably just a dud. He was a little sad at first but decided it was better too just accept the fact that he'd have to wait just a little longer. He'd be graduating early and was planning to convince Vernon to start trying for a baby when he was almost done. The older boy would still be in school for a few more months but he didn't mind being able to stay home with their baby.

Joshua went into the baby section with mainly boy clothes making Seungkwan raise a brow since Jeonghan was having twin girls.

"Hyung why are you in this section??"

"Hm? Oh! N-no reason! I didn't realize"

Seungkwan's eyes narrowed at this while scanning his friends body and immediately connecting the dots in his head.

"How far along are you??"

"Hm?! W-What do you mean?"

"Yah I'm not clueless, who do you think was the first to find out Jeonghan was pregnant??"

Joshua sighed in defeat at this, "four months, me and Seokmin found out the gender a few days ago"

"And you didn't tell me!?"

"You were busy meeting Vernon's family"

"I would've still answered you jerk!"

Joshua chuckled at this and nodded, "fine fine I'm sorry"

"Will you have him here? Or go back to the states?"

"Honestly I haven't decided yet, either way he's gonna know English plus I think my mom may finally move back out here. I really want me and Seokmin's families to be closer especially since our son will be the first grandchild on both sides"

"Wow the first?? Talk about pressure"

"Umm Kwan you and Vernon's are gonna be the first as well"

Seungkwan took a second to think about this, "oh shit you're right"

Seungkwan finally got back home after spending most of the day with Joshua as he walked through the front door and looked around for his lover, needing cuddles after being away from him since 10am, even buying dinner and wine so they could be slightly tipsy and relax.

"Sol? Are you here??"

"In the room love!"

The blonde followed his lovers voice and quickly went to their bedroom where Vernon was at his desk with his bulky headphones resting on his neck. Seungkwan walking over and greeting his boyfriend with a kiss who just pulled him on to his lap and hugged him tightly.

"Have you been sitting here all day??"

"Uhh maybe?? Jihoon came by a few hours ago so technically it wasn't all day"

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