Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

It'd been a week... A whole week. And I'd given up hope.

The only contact I've had with Peeta has been through Mr Mellark and his brothers. If he didn't want to be with me anymore, I would've thought he'd have the decency to tell me himself.

Oh well. It's his loss...

Then again. It's not, is it. I need him... but he doesn't.

Mr Mellark told me they'll be leaving for England at the weekend. And, considering that it was Thursday... There was no chance of sorting this mess out. I'm going to have to let him go.

For good.

At least I still have gale... He's been ever so nice to me since I told him. That day when I went to his house... It was as though we were back to normal... Back to how we used to be when nobody else mattered... When we could spend hours playing in the meadow by our houses.

I don't know what I expected when I got there... And I had no idea what I was supposed to say, but it turns out that it didn't even matter. He opened the door with welcoming arms, and didn't hesitate to let me in.

We sat in silence for a moment... But then I broke it, and began telling him everything. Everything from the incident at the bakery to how much I missed our friendship... And I didn't miss out a thing in between.

He listened the entire time, seeming to empathise with me. This was an honour, because I've known gale long enough to know he doesn't cope well with emotions. He began giving me advice, and telling me everything will be ok.

Eventually... It got to the point where I actually believed him. Maybe it was because his voice was comforting me... Or maybe it was because his mysterious grey eyes were staring right into my heart.

I will never doubt our bond again... I can't believe I let a boy come in between us...

"Gale..." I looked at him hopelessly, and he opened his arms.

I nudged towards him, accepting his embrace and resting my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, for everything. I should've never pushed you away... And I never want anybody to come in between us again...."

He smiled into my hair and just chuckled, shushing me. It was then that I knew, we'd be ok. Everything would be ok...

Shortly after however, a thought dawned on me... The others don't know about Peeta yet... And I'm not quite sure how to break it to them...

I knew that I needed to think of something, and quickly too...

The weekend came all too quickly... And I think everyone realised something was wrong with me. I hadn't been acting like myself since he told me he was moving. Well, it's too late now, and I'm nearly past the point of caring.

Why did I have to fall for him...

I knew it was pointless to love somebody... Because all those who love me, leave me. That's a lesson I've learned the hard way.

Gale offered to tell the others... But apparently it wasn't even needed. Finnick approached me later that day, adding to my confusin. He said "so... I went to see Peeta the other day... He told me, I assume you know?" I nod, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Thought so. Well anyway, I saw him, and he told me to give you this letter..." He holds out a piece of paper to me... I stare at his hand as though it contained a gun, pure fear running through my body.

"Katniss? What's wrong?" I stare into his eyes as my vision begins to blur with tears.

"I went to the bakery finnick... A couple of days ago... Guess what his father told me? Peeta wasn't up to having any visitors..." The tears began to fall, and there was no way for me to stop them "Finnick, he left today... And he wouldn't let me see him. He doesn't give a damn about me! He can go to england, and stay there for the rest of his life for all I care! He's completely ruined my life. Tell him that, why don't you..."

I run away from him, his mouth agape. And I don't stop running until I slump to the ground somewhere, only to be met with strong arms and the smell of fresh pine.

Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long again, but guess what? I'm ill, and that means a new update! Yay...
So, this was hard to write considering how much I love Peeta, but the people have spoken.

Once again I'm overwhelmed by your support and encouragement, let me know what you think 😊

Yours always,


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