Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

My eyes quickly adjust to the white light, and my body still feels lifeless. Maybe I am dead...

This time though, when i look around me, I begin recognising certain features. For example, I notice the old pine trees, and I notice the large rock where I always used to stand when hunting with Gale. I'm in the woods... But why?

Then, I see it. A slumped figure, leaning against an old tree. As I move closer to the form, I see the dark braided hair, and the disgusting grey eyes. How can that be me? I'm right here!

Then, I hear it again. Now I understand. This is a replay of the moment I died. It must be, because everything is exactly the same. Except, this time, there is a word being engraved into my memory. Stay.

I think about the things that would be worth staying for... Prim. But she'd move on eventually, she won't need me forever. Who else? Nobody.

However, I am brought back to 'reality' when I see the shadows that are approaching faster than I've ever seen a shadow move.

As his figure crashes through the foliage, my thought process stops, and I find myself staring intently at every move he makes. I realise he was the owner of the muscular arms that retrieved my body. But from this position, I also see how he placed his jacket around me to help keep me warm, and how he kissed my cheek.

I decide to move closer to him, because I think this is the last time I will ever see him. For some reason that makes my heart stop. What's wrong? Am I finally leaving these memories behind? About time!

But it doesn't happen. I just find myself walking alongside Peeta as he carries my limp body. I see how his tears leave glistening marks all over my face. And then, before I know it, it happens. He says those words once again. The words that I will play through in my head for as long as I remember them.

"Katniss, stay with me, please! I love you. Always."

That's when I realise it.

I go back to my previous thoughts.

I think about the things that would be worth staying for... Prim. But she'd move on eventually, she won't need me forever. Who else? Peeta. Why? Because he does love me. He's got something I need. My heart.

As I say this out loud to myself, I feel a stab of pain in my heart, and I suddenly can't bare the idea of loosing him. I know I should be thinking of prim, but I've always been selfish.

Peeta has loved me all along! I bet that was just an excuse for me to forget when he said it was the drugs messing with his mind. Oh well, now I know.

I know I will fight in any way I can to get back to Peeta. Even if it's just so I can tell him how stupid he was not to just tell me.

Then, I feel a force pull at my feet, and a huge hole seems to appear underneath my feet. I am constantly thinking of Peeta, of getting back to him, of kissing him.

Suddenly, I drop down, and I don't think I will ever stop falling... Until, eventually I feel myself stop. My head hurts, and my body feels heavy. I can't see anything but black. But... My ears start picking up something... Murmurs?

I can just about make out my name, and his voice...

The only thing that gets me to lift my eyes open is the image of Peeta. But as soon as I do, I regret it. Everywhere is a bright white again. Just as I think I'm about to replay everything once again, I feel something. I feel something take hold of my hand, and then I feel the person squeeze it.

I try to squeeze it back, and as soon as I do, my arm aches. That's how I know, I am alive!

I open my eyes once again, only to realise my eyes have already adjusted to the lighting.

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