Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I don't know how Long it was before my body went numb. My brain had ceased to process a sane thought, and I just embraced the chilling cold. I was shocked that Peeta hadn't followed me to make sure I was ok, but then again , I remember... He doesn't love me...

All of a sudden I feel something moving in my pocket, and it takes me several minutes to realise it was my phone. By using every last ounce of energy in my body, I manage to reach into my pocket to retrieve my phone. It has seven missed calls, and about twelve texts. I see that about six of the texts are off Peeta, so I decide to look at those first.

"Are you ok Katniss?"

"Katniss, I'm sorry if I've upset you"

"Please tell me what's wrong?"

"Where are you?"

"Katniss? Are you ok?"

"I'm getting Finnick to help me find you."

The urgency with each message leaves me with a sense of satisfaction, well, at least I made him worry about me. As much as I would love to go home though, I can't seem to lift my body. Oh well, I'll die out here... Nobody will miss me anyway...

Whilst I lay on the ground, I think about all of the reasons why I like Peeta: he's super friendly; he's good looking; he always makes me smile; he's always there if you need someone; he's funny and kind; he's sweet, and he'll do anything for the people he loves...

I feel a tear slide down my cheek with the last one, because knowing I am not included In the group of people he loves shatters my heart.

But... He would do anything for those he loves.... What about for a friend? Would he come tracking through the woods just to make sure a friend was ok? Would he care so much about a friend that he would be devastated if he upset them? Some of the questions seem obvious, yes, because that is Peeta's nature. However, some of them remain unanswered in my mind. Like, does he even like me? But that's a stupid question, because my earlier answers prove he would do anything for somebody he really cares about... And all I am processing, is right now, Peeta really cares about me.

This makes my heart feel lighter, and a smile spreads across my face. But, soon after the realisation, my head starts pounding, and my eyes go blurry. This is it, My life will end where my life began, in the woods, underneath the stars. The final thing I hear before my senses disappear, is the distant sound of twigs snapping, and a call that could resemble my name.

Even though I feel dead, I can make out feelings of things. For example, I can feel the softness of the dirt against my back, and I can feel the freshness of the air against my skin, and , eventually, I feel the strong arms that wrap around my body towards a solid chest. But, that is not the last thing I feel, the last thing I feel is the pain behind the tears that land on my shoulder.

As I am carried, my body starts feeling lighter, and lighter, and soon, I am scared my body will be blown away by the wind. I can't see anything, just a glaring white surface everywhere I look.

I reach my hands out to feel all around me, and I feel nothing. I must be dead. No place on earth looks like this. I decide to sit on the floor, because I don't know what else to do.

I hear the sound of a clock ticking and look everywhere. I can't see the source of the sound, but it seems to be getting louder, and slower. What does it mean? Does it mean I'm going to die? That I'm already dead? I honestly have no idea...

Just when the last gram of weight lifts from my body, I hear the ticking gradually come to a stop, and then, I hear the words I never thought I would hear, not with them being the truth, anyway.

His voice is so distinguishable though, there is no doubting what he said.

"Katniss, stay with me, please! I love you. Always."


Hi guys!

Sorry it's taken so long... Again!

How was it? Good? Bad? I added the song as I thought it fitted quite well with the situation...

Thankyou for the non stop votes and reads! It means so much! It's ridiculous knowing how popular this has been! I've got less than half the amount of reads than my other book, but almost as many votes!


Yours always,



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