Chapter 15

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I recommend listening to turning tables by Adele whilst reading this.

Chapter 15

Once we reached my house, I let Prim know what was happening and she said she had been asked over to this girls house for a sleepover. I think her name was Rue? Anyway, it's good to know she has made a friend so soon.

Before I even knew what was going on, I found myself lying on my red sofa, falling to sleep. However, just before I entered the land of my nightmares, I saw a figure move towards me.

When I finally awaken, I hear the sound of snoring all around me. I look around, noticing it is still dark outside, and I spot two figures. I search my memory for who actually came back last night...

Finnick and Annie, they're both here... But who else... Peeta! Where is he? I'm supposed to be keeping an eye on him!

Just as I start panicking about everything that could of happened to him, I notice that the door has been left slightly ajar. I hope Peeta hasn't ran away! Oh my life... What have I done?

I move with more urgency towards the door, and my anxiousness builds. What if it's not Peeta outside...What if someone is waiting outside for me with a knife?

It's too late by the time the thought comes to my mind though, because I have already pushed the door open, exposing my tired form to the nights breeze.

I can't see or hear anything unusual, until my gaze falls to an old willow tree about twenty metres away from me. It's too dark to see the exact features, but I can see a muscular figure sitting with his knees up to his chest at the foot of the tree.

Suddenly, all of my concern and worry disappears as I almost sprint to the person. His head snaps up in my direction just as I approach him, and I'm sure i see his face light up. I sit down right next to him, and I look into his eyes, that are still as bright as the sun, even at night.

After a few moments he turns away, obviously feeling awkward. I start to feel confused.

"Peeta. What's wrong?" He looks back at me, and I vaguely see him shrug.

"Couldn't sleep."

"Yeah me neither. But that's not what I meant..." He looks at me with utter confusion and I can't shake how adorable he looks. I decide to elaborate because he looks like a lost puppy.

"Well... You seem different to yesterday?" He chuckles slightly to himself, and I relax knowing he's back to his normal, charming self.

"Well, Katniss. I was drugged up yesterday after my operation. The doctor did say I might do or say things that I didn't mean, because there is no way I would have been able to think clearly, let alone sensibly."

As I let what he said sink in, my heart drops. Yesterday, he said he loved me.

"Do you remember anything you said yesterday? Like... anything you meant?"

He shakes his head slightly, before leaning back against the tree in exasperation.

"Well, I can't remember anything I said, so I can't have meant it. Can I?" I nod my head at him as a sign that I understand him, when really, my heart is shattering inside my chest. He never really has loved me.

I feel my eyes start to well up with tears, so I get up and start to walk. I hear Peeta starting to follow me, asking me what I'm doing, but I take off in a sprint before he can catch up with me.

I run until my legs can't move another inch, and I glance around me. I seem to have ended up in the woods. I recognise the place well. It is mine and Gales meeting point from when we were younger and used to go hunting together.

I lean against a strong oak tree and I think about everything that has happened over the past two days.

I start shaking from the cold, and eventually my legs give way.

I crumple to the ground waiting for my end to come, with one thought racing through my mind:

My life is one big turning table.


Hi guys! Sorry for the wait once again!

What do you think of the update?

Yours always,



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