Chapter 25

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I'm back guys! Firstly I'd like to apologise for how long I've been gone... I've just had so much going on lately that I've had no time to focus on my writing. I had my GCSEs and now I'm on to A levels, so it's been a pretty stressful year for me.

Then I just want to thank each and every one of you, because you're all amazing and supportive and just thank you! I hope you're still with me, and I promise I will make it up to you guys - stay awesome and enjoy!


Once our introductions with Johanna and thresh are over, we start to get to work. Originally, we were all going to perform a duet with another student in the class. Obviously, Peeta and I had partnered together...

I guess there's no point wishing he was here... Because he's gone. And why would he come back for me?

"Hey catnip, everything ok?" Gale approaches me, and it's probably a good thing that he takes my mind off my previous thoughts.

"Oh... Umm, yeah..." He looks at me, unconvinced, but nods anyway.

"Okay well... wanna go practice somewhere?" He holds his hand out to me as he asks, and I take it, feeling comforted by him.

"Sure." I give him a weak smile and follow him when he heads off somewhere.

He leads me through the theatre and we end up inside a tiny room. I never even knew about this room, but I'm glad Gale found it. In it is a guitar, a piano and a microphone - instantly picking up my excitement.

"Wow... Gale! How did you know about this room?" I look at him with surprise and he just shrugs in return. I notice his face redden slightly as he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I umm... just kinda... found it...? Y-yeah..." He avoids eye contact with me as he speaks and I can't help but feel suspicious.

"Umm... okay..." He turns away from me, heading towards the guitar. Picking it up with ease, he turns to me and smiles shyly.

"You umm... mind listening?" I instinctively nod, eager to hear his song.

Gale has a way of performing that has always captivated me. He seems to be able to put emotion into everything... and it's just... breathtaking to watch.

My eyes follow his movements, watching him sit down, adjust his hold on the guitar - and finally, clear his throat, signalling that he's ready. I give him an enthusiastic grin, letting him know that I'm excited. I've only heard him play a couple of times, but this time he seems nervous. Surely it can't be because of me... Can it?

I give him a concerned look, and he just shakes his head lightly, as though letting go of a particularly heavy thought. He takes a big breath and then looks me straight in the eyes, causing me to be drawn to him even more.

He starts moving his hands along the guitar, creating a soft sound that fills the room. He plays for a few seconds before opening his mouth, about to sing. Then, all of a sudden, the door bursts open. He immediately stops playing and turns to the intruder.

"Oh umm.... Sorry guys..." I stare at Finnick, wondering what he's doing. That's when I see Annie giggling behind him.

"Oh my god... Were you two about to have a make out session?" I pull a disgusted face at them, holding back my laughter.

"N-no... Pffft of course not..." Annie starts rambling on, and that's when me and gale burst out laughing.

"Oh god! You guys..." Gale struggles to get the words out between his laughter, but he just about manages it. He gets up and comes towards me, nodding his head towards the door. I stand up and follow behind him.

As we pass them out the door, I turn to the couple, "Stay safe kids!" And then we run away from them before they can respond.

When we feel like we're a safe distance away, we both fall to the floor laughing. I try taking some deep breaths to calm myself down, but then I look at Gale and burst out laughing all over again.

After several minutes, I notice someone approaching us, and wonder what they must be thinking. That's when I notice Mr Abernathy.

He gives us both a judgemental glance, before backing away from us, "I'm not even going to ask... But umm... Performances are going to start in half an hour - just letting you know." Then he leaves as quickly as he came.

After another couple of minutes, we decide we've composed ourselves enough to get up. Gale stands up first and then offers a hand to me. I gladly take it and pull myself off the floor.

He doesn't give me time to let go of his hand before he pulls me into a hug. He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. "Catnip," he whispers into my hair, "if you ever need somebody to help you out... Well, you know I will always be there." He then plants a kiss on my cheek before releasing me and walking away. That's when I know what song he's going to perform, and honestly? I can't wait.

I should probably rehearse my piece... I mean, I only have about 25 minutes before I need to perform...

But what song should I do? Obviously, singing something that relates to... him... will allow me to be more emotive... but I don't want to do that. He may have broken my heart... but he doesn't deserve to break everything about me. Maybe I could... Yes! I think I've got the perfect song...

I know I'll end up crying if I sing this... but maybe that's not a bad thing... I need to do this. For my Dad.

Not many people know what it's like to lose a parent at such a young age... it leaves a hole in your life - one that will never heal completely. That doesn't even begin to explain how I felt after my Dad died... I was 12 when it happened... and there hasn't been a day when I haven't thought of him since. I know it sounds stupid... But I still think of him as my rock... he was always there when I needed him.

I remember one time... I came home from school crying. He picked me up and sat me on his lap. He didn't ask any questions, he just wrapped his arms around me and sang to me. His voice was like silk, and it never failed to soothe me. He was the reason I became interested in singing. Without him there in our home, there was never any singing - and that was something that I couldn't cope with. So I decided to take it up myself... hoping that it would somehow connect me with him. Kind of... keep him alive.

I don't need to practice the song. I've sang it a hundred times before. But... Never in front of anyone. It was how I managed to get through the pain. This song... it reminds me of him in every way, and it makes me feel like he's still here for me. I know he's still here for me. In my heart.

I make my way to the theatre, preparing myself for what's about to happen. It may be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do... but I know I can do this.

I make my way to where Gale is sitting. "Hey, everything ok?" I take a seat next to him but he doesn't respond.

He looks a little down - resting his head in his hands. "Yeah Katniss... Everything's fine..." But he still stays in the same position.

I grab his hands and peel them away from his face. "Gale?" I notice how puffy his eyes look, and know I shouldn't ask. So instead, I wrap my arms around him. "I don't know what's wrong... But I've got you..." He smiles weakly against me, before hugging me back.

"Ok class! Who's ready to make some music?" Mr Abernathy stands on the stage, shouting to get everyone's attention. In the next 30 seconds, I see students running from every direction, taking there seats.

"Perfect. So... Let's begin. Who'd like to go first?" He scans the crowd in search for a volunteer. That's when he spots a girl- Ameliah- shyly raising her hand.

He points at her and she makes her way to the stage.

She sings 'Dear Darlin' ' by Olly Murs. Her performance is followed by several more, ranging from a classical piano piece to Justin Bieber.

Then, I decide I'm ready to perform. I raise my hand nervously, and lock eyes with Mr Abernathy. He nods at me, and I smile at him.

I make my way to the stage. I look around, seeing every pair of eyes on me. Once I spot Gale, I keep my gaze on him, knowing it'll make me less nervous.

I make my way to the piano, and sit down. After taking a few breaths, I start playing, feeling the melody fill the room.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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