Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Once the gasping stops, I finally open my eyes.
It's no surprise to see what I do. The room is completely full with our friends. They must have came to check on Peeta.
"Ummm... What is going on?" As I hear this, I lift my head off of Peeta's shoulder, and I see a figure step forward.
"Gale..." He looks somewhat hurt, and I start to get off the bed to comfort him.
"No. Forget it. You know what? I have known you for four years! And not only that, I have loved you for four years! But that doesn't matter, does it? Because bread boy comes along and your with him after one day!" I feel tears prick in my eyes, and i struggle to hold them back.
"Gale... I... I..." He shows me a heart wrenching smirk, and it feels like a slap in the face.
"See? You have nothing to say! I knew you were stubborn and temperamental, but I never thought you were stupid Katniss! Oh, or maybe I'm the stupid one... For loving you." With that he walks out of the door, and that's when my damn breaks down.
The tears don't stop, no matter how much comfort I receive from Peeta.
"Get off me!" I snap at him before I can stop myself, and his face drops in shock.
I cry even harder, and then I throw his arms from around my shoulders.
"Kat? Please... Don't be upset... Gale was just being-" I don't let him finish.
"Gale was just being what? Honest! Anyway, you have no right to judge him after one day! One day... And everything has already been ruined."
The next thing I know, I am pushing through the stunned group of friends around the room, and making my way towards the door.
Despite the numerous attempts to restrain me, I manage to get out of the room.
The last thing I hear from the room, is a male... Crying, and whispering my name.
What have I done? I have lost all of my friends in one day!
Stupid Katniss!
I have no idea where to go, I just know I can't be near here right now.
After what seems like hours of searching the hospital, I come to a stairway. It has a sign reading 'rooftop', so I decide to go up.
As I walk up the concrete steps, my head starts feeling dizzy. I can't believe what just happened. What did happen? I'm not entirely sure, but I know I let a boy ruin my friendship...
I always promised myself to put friendship before love, and now... I have lost my best friend... Forever as far as I know.
Just as I feel like I am about to faint, I reach the door to the top, and i push it open.
The cool air hits me, and I feel instantly calmed. I take a few steps forward, and then, I slump to the ground, letting the sobbing take over my mind.
All I focus on, is the view. After a few, I don't know, hours? Anyway, I get up from my distraught state, and I head over to the edge of the building.
At first I feel nervous, because I can't see any kind of support to stop people falling off, but then, I notice the glass surrounding the perimeter.
I walk straight up to it, and rest my arms on it, whilst I stare ahead.
The sun is just setting, and it casts magnificent shadows all around.
Eventually I feel myself get lost in the scene in front of me, and at some point my gaze drifts to the sky, admiring the stars all twinkling around me.
I reach out as though I could touch them, but then, it hits me. I laugh in an unstable way, and I'm sure I sound like a mad woman. Oh well. It's a metaphor isn't it? No matter how close good things are, you'll never be able to get them. Just like my life. When everything seems to be going well, and I am almost complete, something goes wrong, preventing me from obtaining my goal or dream, and I'm back to square one. Shortly after, another thought hits me... I just said, I had almost succeeded with getting my dream. Peeta. I almost had him... And know I've surely lost him for good...
What have I done?
I ask myself this over and over again in my head, and then I rest my head and my hands, before the tears start flowing again.
Only moments later, I hear a click, and it sounds like the door closing. I don't bother turning around, well... Until I hear the newcomer speak up.

Who is it guys?...
Thankyou so much again for reading!
I can't believe I've already got 1k reads and 101 votes!
Guys! You are amazing! And I'm so sorry for the late update!
Yours always,

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