Chapter 23

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Not only am I feeling inspired from watching the film for the millionth time, but I'm also feeling generous, and I really want to thank you guys for the constant comments- making me a better writer and encouraging me.

Anyway... Let's get back to the story!

Chapter 23

POV: Katniss

After the encounter with Finnick, I became more and more bitter towards Peeta. How can somebody tell you they love you, if they don't truly mean it...

Maybe I was a fool... I know we're young, and many would say too young to love. But with him... It felt normal, as though without him, I'd be a mess. Well I guess that's true at least.

I'm just going to have to find my buried mask, and wear it again. I'd hoped I'd never have to do that again.... Shield myself away from view. Well ,maybe its for the best anyway... Who knows.

POV: Peeta

It's been ages since I saw her. Since I studied her beauty...

The way her grey eyes ironically light my world.

The way her hair cascades over her shoulders, ending in swirls, much like a waterfall in my favourite painting.

I hate my 'mother' so much. This is all her fault... And now I've blown my chance with the girl I fell for all those years ago.

Don't get me wrong... I'm excited about going to a new country, but I most definitely didn't want this fresh start. I was content with my old life... Even with the things I had to put up with constantly.

Even though it seems I am 100% devastated by this move... I'm not. Afterall... I'll finally have chance to spend time with my dad. Something that never seems to have happened back at home... What with all the interruptions...

It's just that... For the first time in my life, I actually felt like things were looking up. Katniss showed me the value of love, and I took advantage of that, assuming she'd always be head over heels for me.

She'll be better off now, without me.

POV: Katniss

I was so down... That I skipped school for a couple of days - including today. However, I mentally commit myself to go tomorrow. I'm going to have to face things at some point.

I even consider opening the letter off of Peeta, but whenever I look at the delicate handwriting on the envelope, I can't bring myself to do it.

What words could possibly be written on that paper that would have any value to me what so ever. I can't think of any to be honest. Because I've done something I told myself I'd never do...

I've let a boy break my heart.

POV: Peeta

I'm so pissed that I couldn't see Katniss before I left... But I'm sincerely hoping that she'll understand when she hears why.

I just pray to God that Finnick gave her my letter.

Oh who am I kidding... She probably won't even open it.

She must think I've been an absolute jerk to her. Well, I suppose I have. I just left. No explanation. No anything.

Damn... Why does life have to be so complicated....

Then a thought hits me. I can text Finnick... And there's no time like the present!

I scroll through my contacts until I come to his name. I hover over it for a second with my thumb... Thinking what I could say.

But in the end I decide just to go for it.

I text him, and he replies within several minutes... The conversation went a little like this.

Me: Hey Finn, Did you give kat my letter?

Finnick: Hey man, ugh... About that...

Me: What happened??

Finnick: Well... I sorta bumped into her yesterday. She looked pretty rough dude...

Me: Oh crap. What have I done :(

Finnick: It's not your fault, you had no choice. I gave it her anyway...

Me: Thanks Finnick. I appreciate, please look out for her.

Finnick: Don't mention it Peeta, I'll make sure she's ok. Got to go, speak sometime later.

I close my phone, and sigh in relief. It's good to have a friend like Finnick. I don't know what I'd do without him... Like seriously.

However, it doesn't lift the weight of pain off my heart. I wonder whether it would be a good idea to call Katniss. But I conclude that it'd make things worse... She wouldn't understand the situation anyway.

POV: Katniss

As the day goes on, I start to feel a little brighter, and I count down the hours until I can see my friends again.

I was in a daydream, lying face down on my bed with my favourite music playing in the background, when a knock on the front door startled me.

I ran downstairs as quickly as I could without making myself dizzy, and I reached the door in record speed. Panting, I pushed the handle down, only to be met with the not so familiar blue eyes of Rye. I then spotted Tyger in his car on the driveway.

I invite Peeta's brother in, but he shakes his head subtly.

"I just wanted to say, we're really sorry for everything that's going on... But just trust me, just open the letter. Please?" His eyes show so much sincerity and concern that I nod my head, promising that I would do as he requests.

He smiles at me, and swiftly gets into his brothers car, both of them waving as they drive off.

Wow... They came all this way to convince me to open a stupid letter?

Well... I guess I'd better have a look at it now.


Hi guys! So, I've tried something new. Not going to lie, I didn't plan on doing the different views, just sorta happened! Did you like it or not? Please comment 😁

And one other thing... I've noticed my chapters are quite short? I've tried making this one a little longer, so as I say, just comment and let me know your thoughts. Thank you ❤️

Yours always,



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