Chapter 21

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Just to let you know, I've finally fixed the issue about Katniss meeting Peeta's brother for a second time, because I know it bugged a few of you.

Well, I've been off school for a week, and I'm finally feeling a little better. So I was feeling in the mood to get writing again, sorry for how long it's been, but I've been waiting for more comments too, thanks to you guys who have commented, and thanks for those who've followed me! 108 followers!!! I love you all 😊

One quick thing before I get into the chapter, if you guys have read my other fan fiction, you'll know that I like to write in a lot of different POVs, so I was wandering if you wanted me to do that with this story? Maybe you want peeta's side of the story? Let me know in the comments.

Oh, and I think Clato is the final conclusion?

Chapter 21

It was the day after the phone call when things turned weird. It was Sunday, so we didn't have school, and me and Peeta had planned to meet up. Only... I went to where we arranged to go, but he didn't show. I waited for two hours. Two whole hours. Maybe it's time I gave up... Maybe he's already given up on me...

The more time we spend apart, not talking, the more I think about 'us'.

What if there is no 'us'. No Peeta and Katniss. The thought makes me cringe... For as long as I can remember, he's been the only thing I've wanted... And the second I get him... Well, let's just say, I probably got carried away.

I need to talk to someone before my head explodes from all these thoughts. So... Who's good at giving advice, and listening to people... It's obvious, my little duck!

I run home to find it empty. No lights were on, and nobody came to the door. I know mother had to go to work but where was Prim? Could this day get any worse...?

Ha, apparently, yes. I forgot to take my key with me, so obviously, the mighty Lord above decides to make it rain on me. Great.

So I run to the only other place I feel somewhat welcome. The bakery.

Peetas father was always kind to me, even before I met Peeta. He knew our situation to a certain extent, and he more than willingly supported us. It was as though he felt obliged to...

So I trudge through the hammering rain, and eventually reached the bakery. My clothes felt heavy on my back and I was shivering from the iciness of the weather. I pushed the door to the bakery open, and was instantly hit with that smell that often bought me comfort. Maybe I sound like some crazy bread addict, but I promise you, I'm not. It's just that my mother never bakes... And the smell of baking bread has to be one of the sweetest, and homeliest smells in the entire world.

I gave myself a few seconds to catch my breath and adjust to the heat, before I lifted my head towards the counter. I saw just who I was looking for. Mr Mellark.

I went up to him and gave him my warmest smile, which he returned without hesitation.

"Hello Katniss. What brings you here on such a day?"

"Well, actually Mr Mellark, I was wandering where Peeta was? Only, we were supposed to meet up... He didn't show..." As I explain the situation, I sense confusion in his eyes.

"Well Katniss, that doesn't sound like my son at all. He's been banging on about meeting you for goodness knows how long. I'll go and have a word with him." He gives me an encouraging nod and I smile thankfully.

I take a seat at one of the nearby tables and wait patiently.

After a few minutes, I hear clattering and raised voices. It sounds like a man and a women... I knew their parents didn't get along...but this seemed ridiculous.

Just as I was about to get up to see if everything was ok, Mr Mellark emerged again.

"Umm... Katniss. Peeta's not feeling well at the minute... He wants me to send his apologies and..." He seems to be struggling to say what he wants to get across, and I must show how confused I am because he halts his speech.

"Why can't I just go and see him? I am his girlfriend after all..." I really don't get why I can't see him. If I was ill, I'd want Peeta to be with me!

"He's requested no visitors. At all. Sorry cup cake."

Even the affectionate name he so frequently used with me didn't lighten my mood. This wasn't like Peeta at all.

I left the bakery abruptly and started running. I had nowhere to go, and nobody to talk to...


Maybe Gale was at home...

Well it was worth a shot at the very least. Now I come to think of it, why didn't I just go there first? He's been my best friend since I could talk... He wouldn't turn his back on me... Would he?


What do you think???

So what do you think the shouting was about? Is Peeta really ill? what else could be wrong with him?

Comment, vote and follow please! It is extremely appreciated and it gives me the encouragement I need to update.

Keep reading and giving your opinion, they're so important to me!

Yours always,


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