Chapter 20

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I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!

I've been thinking a lot about where I want this story to go and I've got a few ideas for the moment. Bear with me, I know it can take a while for my updates, but I don't have a schedule, and this is purely for lesuire, the only benefit I get is your support (which means A LOT by the way!)

Keep reading 😉

Chapter 20

6 hours.

That's precisely how long it took for the news to sink in.

Peeta's moving. Oh, and that's not the best bit either. It's not even like he's moving to somewhere nearby.

He's moving to England.

Out of all the places in the world... He has to move that far?

Oh well. Maybe it will be good for us. I mean... Distance makes the heart grow fonder... Right?

Who am I trying to fool. His absence will kill me.

I love him... I love him.

I. Love. Him.

Plain and simple.

I love him.

I love him so much, that I fall asleep with a mental picture of him at the front of my mind.

It doesn't take long for the nightmares to come either. Images of Peeta getting killed cross my mind... But that's not the worst thing. One particular scenario seems to be stuck on repeat. Peeta moves to england, finds a beautiful girl, and ends up staying with her and growing old with her.

Don't get me wrong, I want him to be happy. It just so happens that I wish to be the cause of his happiness...(oh, and I don't want it to be rubbed in my face if he ends up with somebody else).

Just as he confesses his love to the British babe for what must be the billionth time tonight, I wake up.

I can't take this much longer. If he goes, there is no way I can stay here - and stay sane.

What I need right now... Is Peeta.

Goodness knows if he's even awake, but I have to do something. So, I do the only thing I can think of doing. I pick up my phone, and find his number. I call him and hear it ringing in my ear.

One ring... No answer.

Two rings... No answer.

Three rings... N-

"Katniss?" I jump at his voice... I didn't think he would answer.

"Hey Peeta..."

"Why are you ringing me? You do know it's about 2 am don't you? Are you ok? What's wrong?" His quick fire questions give me a few seconds to collect my thoughts.

Why am I ringing him? Oh, yes.

"Well... I..." How to word it...

"Katn-" I obviously choose that exact moment to have a coughing fit from the tears I try to hide.

"Sorry Peeta. I rang, because I can't cope. If you move, I won't be able to cope. You're my rock. Even when you weren't you were." I realise I'm probably making minimal sense right now so I try to calm myself a little.

"Katniss I know. I don't want to move. But I promise you... As soon as I find out why I have to go, I'll tell you. I guess I should've stayed for the explanation... But I had to tell you. Katniss, leaving you will be the hardest thing I ever have to do. I just hope you don't..." It sounds almost as though his voice is strained from pain... And it doesn't sound like he's going to continue, so I prompt him.

"Tell me. We can't make this work if we don't talk Pe-"

He cuts me off abruptly. All I heard before the phone disconnected, was the slam of a door, and the muffled sound of angered voices.

Why can't we have a single conversation without an interruption? And why does the Lord hate me so much...

At least I have my friends.

Oh yeah... How great.

I should rephrase that: at least I have my friends - who are bound to get together anytime soon...

Oh goody! A load of couples being rubbed in my face - just what I need. I know they're my friends but still... Cato and Glimmer, Marvel and Clove, Finnick and Annie... I mean come on... Even their ship names sound sickening to me.

At least Thresh doesn't have a girlfriend... Yet.

Why am I destined to have such an awful life...?



This was terrible, so I apologise.

I NEED you to comment more! As much as I appreciate your votes, I need your help to improve too.

Tell me what YOU want from me.

I'm going to say I'll update as soon as I have at least 10 comments,

Yours always,



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