Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

After the conversation with Peeta, we decided to skip the rest of the lesson. I have never skipped a lesson before, but, with Peeta, breaking the rules doesn't seem as bad.

I am now sat in the passenger seat of Peeta's black and orange striped firrari. I have no idea where we are going, but I trust Peeta.

At first we are sat in an awkward silence. I feel quite uncomfortable, that is, until I look at Peeta's perfect face...

"You could always take a picture." His voice snaps me from my thoughts. What did he say?

"Huh?" He averts his gaze to me for a second before returning to the road with a massive grin on his face.

"Nothing..." Wierd...

I can't help but notice how my heart has quickened, how my cheeks are feeling hot, and how my smile could cover the Sahara desert.

As Armin van Buuren would say, this is what it feels like. Love.

As my thoughts start muddling into one, I decide to speak.

"Hey... Can I put the radio on please?" Manners are always good. Well done Katniss.

"Sure! You don't have to ask Kat!" He's so sweet...

As soon as it turns on, I hear the voice of Jack Ash, the FITTEST presenter of district FM... EVER!

Then, I hear the best song ever...

La la la by naughty boy and sam smith!

Within seconds I am singing along.

Before I know it, I am full on belting out the words, and I notice that Peeta has started singing too.

By the time the song has ended, me and Peeta fall into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. We sounded so stupid, and I couldn't care less!

I feel so free around Peeta, it's ridiculous!

Shortly, when we have finally contained our laughter, Peeta parks the car in an abandoned car park.

At first I am a little scared, but then... I trust Peeta with my life.

Before I know it, Peeta is opening my car door and holding his hand to me to help me
out. I look him in the eyes to thank him, and I see a flicker of something... Love? No... Maybe?

We walk for a while in a silence once again, only it is more than comfortable.

Suddenly I feel his hand brush past my hip as he is swinging his arms. I start blushing, and curse myself for being so... So... In love...

We walk for a while until we reach the middle of a secluded park. I see an old oak tree about 30 metres in front of us, and I ask Peeta to race me.

We start off, but I cheat and get a head start. I mean, he is in the basketball team anyway!

Soon, I am panting and ready to collapse, but I feel a pair of arms hold my shoulders, keeping me stable.

"Are you ok?" Concern drips off of every word, and I can't hide my smile

"I'm fine...just, a little... Umm..." Why can't I speak when he stares into my eyes?

"Come on, let's sit down." I gladly oblige, and I rest my head on his shoulder, as his arm wraps around my shoulders.

After what seems like hours, I notice the sky is starting to get pink streaks. It's getting late!

"Kat? Do you want to know a secret?" I do! But that's a bit stalker-ish...

I shrug my shoulders "sure... Whatever...." I hope I pulled off the 'cool' approach.

"Ok... Well. The girl I have liked since nursery is called k-" he is cut off abruptly by a distracting noise. It seems like it is getting closer by the second.

It sounds like a dog... Howling?

Before I know what it is happening, a strong body hovers over me protectively, and I hear a faint yelp of pain.

I see a shadow dart over to a thick line of hedges.

"Peeta. What the hell... Just happened?" I try not to sound too confused, but I am!

"Umm... Wolf... Ahh. You, get hurt... Protect... Bite..." It's all I can make out over his moans of, what... pain?

I run around him so that I am facing him. Then, I see his leg. It has a huge wound outlined by claw marks. It is bleeding execively, and I worry that he's going to bleed to death.

Now I know what happened. That was a wolf that was coming towards us. Peeta covered me from it, and got clawed whilst doing so.

"Why did you do that Peeta?" I try to sound angry that he hurt himself for me, but I can't, not when I think my crush just saved my life!

"I guess you're just too irresistible!" I blush crazily at this, and am amazed he is able to joke when he is in so much pain.

I call the ambulance, whilst staying by his side. I notice the pool of blood surrounding him, and start to panic. As I look away from his wound, I see his eyes. Or rather, his eyelids!

"Peeta! PEETA! Please wake up! WAKE UP!" I shake his shoulder, but I get no response.

Suddenly, I hear sirens from the distance and jump so that I catch their attention.

The next thing I know, I am sat in the ambulance holding Peeta's lifeless hand, and not once do I think about my lips that are gently grazing his perfect hand. No, I think about how I may have just lost the love of my life...


Authors note

Sorry it took so long guys! What do you think of the chapter?

Just want to say thanks you so much for reading this! And to all of you who have voted... I love you so much!!!

Yours always,



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