Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Tutor time went by in a flash, and I can only tell this because we are now heading to lunch.

I tell everyone that I brought a packed lunch and they headed off to lunch as I went towards my locker.

I got a sudden feeling that I was being followed, because I heard footsteps running towards me. Just as I was about to scream for help, I heard the mystery person speak.

"Hey Katniss, wait up." The owner of that wonderful voice was of course, the Peeta Mellark.

"Hey Peeta. Why aren't you at lunch?" I ask as I wait for him to catch up.

"Oh. Turns out I got a packed lunch too. Lunch buddy." As he said the last part he nudged my shoulder and I giggled at his childishness.

He gets a grin on his face before speaking again. "So, whats your locker number?"

"Umm. 12A?" I ask in confusion, because how can a number have a letter in?

"No way! Mine is 12B! We can be locker buddies too!" I laugh once again at him, and this time he joins in.

He is such a dork...

But... An adorable one at that...

When we reach our lockers (which are outside of the room we go to for tutor time), I see that there are twenty four in total. There is a line of 12, because A is above B's locker, meaning there are two on each column, and twelve in each row. I can't believe mine is on top of Peeta's. It must be a sign...

I look for my combination, but Peeta tells me we all have keys. Luckily, A and B have the same key, so he opens mine for me, being as I forgot to get one. Everything is different in year 12!

When he opens it, I grab my lunch box, and he shuts it. He then opens his own locker and gets his lunch before heading over to the others, holding a comfortable silence.

When we eventually reach everybody else at lunch, we see there are only two seats left at our table, and they are right next to each other.

We head to the empty chairs, and I sit on the one by Annie.

I haven't spoken to her much, but she seems nice.

"So, guys. I have an idea to get to know each other." This suggestion comes from Finnick, and causes a lot of raised eyebrows.

"Well. We can play this game, where we go around the table, and each have to say facts about ourselves and stuff." At first everyone looks somewhat confused, but then they start nodding, and I just shrug my shoulders in answer.

"Ok, I'll start. I like swimming." A few giggles come from the girls, and then Cato speaks, "I like basketball."

"I like shoes!"

"I like shopping."

"I like listening to music."

"I like eating!"

"I like cycling."

Eventually it gets around to Peeta's turn, and he starts to blush.

"I like baking..." Nobody laughs at him, because in all fairness some of them can't comment, I think it's cool that he bakes though, so I smile at him and he returns a shy smile.

Then, everyone looks at me expectantly, and before I think about what I am saying, the words escape my mouth. "I like singing." There are a few gasps around the table, before I hear a chant start to begin.

"Sing. Sing. Sing. Sing." I shake my head vigorously, because I don't like singing in front of people.

"Please Kat?" Peeta is the only one who isn't pressuring me.

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