Chapter 19

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Authors note.
Firstly, I am unbelievably sorry for not updating in so long! I have no excuse, I just haven't got around to it.
So I want to thank every single one of you for the support and patience, I hope I can make it up to you!!!
I can't believe I have 18K reads and over 1K votes! It means the world to me!!! Thank you for not giving up.
Here goes...

Chapter 19

The second I got home, I made sure to remember to ask Peeta what was wrong. I was sat around for what seemed like hours in an uncomfortable silence that we had somehow created. Not once did he make eye contact with me... Not once did he smile... And not once did he fool me about the tear that occasionally rolled down his cheek.

This was so unlike him, that I began to fear for the worst... Is he dying? No... I only just got him! Is it possible for the world to hate one human being so much? First I am driven close to suicide... And now my... Boyfriend?... Whatever... Is being taken away from me.

I've had enough of this!

I run over to him, and put my finger under his chin, directing his gaze to my own. As soon as I see the amount of sorrow and pain he has hidden within his eyes, I know something is seriously wrong...

"Ok, I don't know what's wrong with you, but I know it's nothing good. You haven't said a word to me and you can't even look at me!" That's when it clicks... Has he just been stringing me along? He doesn't love me afterall... Wow. And to think... I was planning all the things we could do together once we were married. And I know that's sad... maybe even a little obsessive... But you have to remember, life's no fairytale... things don't just happen... things don't just turn out perfectly without personal intervention... fairytales start inside your heart... And you create the ending for yourself.

I thought Peeta would star in my own little fantasy... I thought he'd be the man in the throne next to me. The man who holds my hand just because he can, who kisses me just to say he cares. The man who holds our baby... How stupid have I been...

Before my thoughts get any deeper... I hear a voice. One that I have studied so well... I am sure I could pick it out from a crowd of a hundred people.

"Katniss? Are you ok?" I can't even answer... I just nod my head slightly, and avoid his expecting glance.

"Please... Just let me talk. I don't know what's going through your head... But I can guess you're just jumping to conclusions..."

Just jumping to conclusions? Maybe I am... Oh who am I kidding... Definitely not myself...

"Maybe" it's the only word I manage to utter out...

"I have some news..." Wow. Never would've guessed that...

I end up letting a sort of strained cackle out... It makes me sound evil and I already hate what my foolishness has caused for myself.

"Give me a chance..." And I do.

"Please don't be upset with me. You have to know it's not my choice... I want to stay... I really really do... I want to be with you..."

Even though he sounds confused and on edge... It doesn't stop the blush that covers his face as he says those last words, and takes my hand in his own.

I nod at him to continue...

"Katniss... I don't know how long I'll be... I don't even know when I'm going... But I have to plan for the worst situation... Just in case."

He starts crying right in front of me... This is something I've never seen any guy do... And it takes me by surprise. Obviously I know they have emotions... It just never crossed my mind that somebody so strong and sure could crumble down to the wreck that is sat before me.

As I study his face and figure, I realise how cute he looks right now. Sure, my guy is crying his eyes out... But that's cute. He wouldn't do that in front of anybody else. He loves me. And I love him.

"Peeta... Just tell me what's going on, please? I care about you more than anybody else... And seeing you like this... Well to put it simply, it breaks my heart..."

At that simple and yet powerful statement, he looks towards me, and a small curve appears on his lips... I'm honoured that I can cheer him up... But I still want to know what's made him like this. I blink at him, which seems to bring him back to reality, because I instantly see his eyes glass over with sadness.

"Katniss... I'm moving."

No Peeta!!!
Let me know what you guys think? I really appreciate your feedback.
And let me know if it's still the same standard... From what the comments say... I have a lot to live up to! Haha
Yours always,

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