In A Trance

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♩♩Please play the music above for an immersive reading experience <3♩♩

Published @12/31/15 - 3:47 PM

A man cloaked in black handed you a dagger, a demented smile playing on his lips. The dagger seemed to gleam maliciously in the moonlight. Your breathing became heavy, as his smile became replaced with an intimidating and solemn glare.

"Kill the Prince." He whispered by your ear causing you to shiver, your eyes widening at the notion.

You clutched the dagger in one hand and then clasped it to your chest. You nodded curtly and fled the place hurriedly. You had to do his orders or it would be your life who would seemingly pay the price.

You rode the carriage dressed in a (F/C) ball gown, and shortly arrived at your destination. The coachman turned to you, relaying to you his message, as you nodded in reply. You lifted your gown a bit and stepped out of the carriage. Carefully stepping down, your gown trailed behind you. You had a garter beneath your gown and in there you placed the dagger with a leather sheath.

You stared up at the starry firmament. You lowered your head and saw the large castle before you. A gentle breeze blew on your hair, making it slightly ruffled, as you gazed at the magnificent castle that was alight just for tonight's event.

You lifted your gown once again and climbed the stairs, you walked through the aisle. You reached a gate with guards having it guarded. They greeted you formally, as you just gave them a genuine smile. They gladly led you in towards a large door. You could hear faint noises from behind it. They gave you a nod and left as you stared at the massive door before you. You placed your palms on the door and gave a push.

The place gleamed in beauteous glory. You stood awestruck at the sight. Some people gazed at your direction but soon returned to their business. You lifted your gown a bit and walked down the stairs. You searched for a certain blond and azure eyed person.

You walked through the crowd and suddenly, your (E/C) pools met enthralling azure ones, with blond golden locks that shined faintly. The person held gazes with you and slowly approached you. You put on a gentle demeanor and gave him a genuine smile.

"You appear to be lone, would you care for a dance?" The guy held your hand and gave it gentle kiss. "I am Prince Link by the way, at your service." He gave you a bow.

"Certainly." You gave him a nod and accepted. He rested his other hand by your waist and the other held yours, while you had one hand by his shoulder and the other also held his.

You twirled around the room and both of you danced in sync to the music. You were quite enjoying your time, feeling like you were both the only beings in the world. You let out a howl of laughter as you went about the room. But suddenly, by your peripherals, You saw the same demented smile and the raven hair that hung below his neck. Your eyes seemingly involuntarily followed him, with your eyes glancing sideways. Link followed your gaze and saw nothing. He caressed your cheek and mouthed an excuse.

He went back across the room. You went to the table full of desserts, grabbing a small plate and a fork. You got a yourself a molten chocolate lava cake. You then went across the room and ate it in one of the seats, staring at everyone else with your legs crossed beneath your gown.

Suddenly, a hand was outstretched unto your face. You raised your gaze and met vivid red orbs that glinted mischievously.

"Care for a dance?" A voice spoke, seduction thick on his voice. Not really caring and just wanting to enjoy the event, you took the hand and instantly, the guy pulled you closer.

"I'm Dark, what's your name?" Dark had the same features as Link. He twirled you around and had you landed in his arms perfectly. He then snaked his arms to your waist and pulled you up.


"You look quite beautiful (Y/N)." A faint blush covered your cheeks. He chuckled at your reaction. You both danced around the room. As soon as you got tired, you excused yourself and left him to go to another girl. You explored the castle a bit. You went through a spiral staircase and reached the highest part of the castle. You walked a bit and sat down. You thought about the Prince, he was way too kind and gentle to have murdered.

You just gazed at the starry night, enjoying the tranquility of the night. A gentle breeze surrounded the place, having you shiver. You hugged yourself in an attempt to keep yourself warm. You got bored of the event. You walked up to the rails and leaned on it. You sighed and watched as your breath turned into white air.

The trees gently swayed to the breeze, as crickets chirped giving the place it's serene demeanor. The sounds of the party dimmed to the background. All of a sudden, you felt warm air hit your neck. You clasped your hand to your neck but instead you hit someone or something. You slowly turned around and let out a sigh of relief, seeing as it was just the Prince.

You leaned back unto the rail.

"What're you doing here?" You squinted your eyes at him suspiciously.

"I should be asking you the same thing, what are you doing out of the dance floor?" He replied.

"I'm bored." You simply stated. He chuckled quietly and shook his head.

"Come, let's go to my favorite part of the castle." He led you downstairs and held you hands gently into his. He led you to a garden. The leaves shone by the moon, as the trees swayed by the breeze. The garden had a thicket filled with vivid colors of flowers that appeared to be dark in the night. Some thickets were shapely done and was meticulously cut. Seated in the middle was a fountain, it was designed intricately and was such a sight, water gushing out from atop of it.

He led you to the fountain and had you sat down. He sat by your side and quietly enjoyed the night with you.

A demented smile flashed by your mind. You started to shake and as if on cue, the clock stroke to midnight. The Prince suddenly asked you for a dance, as he abruptly pulled you up and gently started to sway in the garden. A harsh wind suddenly passed by ruffling your gown and hair. Tears started to form in your eyes.

You didn't want this to end.

Something beneath the pits of your stomach started to erupt, it felt quite warm. From your chest, you felt your heart beating rapidly, feeling your face go hot. Link flashed you an innocent smile. Tears started to fall from your eyes. It was sad that everything had to end quite abruptly.

"What seems to be wrong, (Y/N)?" He caressed your cheek and lifted your face up, he pressed both his thumbs to your face and wiped the tears away. You just shook your head. Pushing you no more further, he whirled you around and had you land in his arms.

Not wanting the dance to end. You forgot your surroundings and only saw each other in a meadow that was filled with everything quite beauteous to see. But, as soon as you snapped back to reality, you saw that you already had stabbed the prince. Rivulets of tears heavily fell from your eyes.

Guilt filled your being.

You closed your eyes and was in trance, imagining that both you and Link were dancing endlessly. It was what both of you desired to do. Subconsciously, you had stabbed yourself . You fell to the ground, both your corpses side by side. With what strength you had left in you, you gripped his hands in yours, feeling the coldness and lifelessness of his hands. Slowly, darkness took your mind; your soul taken out of your body.

You appeared in paradise, a smile welcomed your arrival. You ran up to the person, seeing it was Link. You hugged him in sheer joy, smiling down his chest. Instantly, realizing your actions, you jumped back and laughed nervously. You felt your cheeks redden. He pulled you in for a hug and planted a kiss by your lips.

This just reached 150, mine gosh!!!! I have never thought that'd happen!!!! Thank you so effing much, I love ya'll readers so much. Another chapter then~

Please remember to leave VOTE on the story, Ill highly appreciate it, thankies~ <3

Entwined Fates | Link × Reader (One Shots) REPOSTNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ