Happy New Year Everyone!

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January 1, 2017

Everyone it's been one heck of a year and a lot has gone and gappened, thank you for sticking with my shitty writing and when I look back at that I really can see some improvement so I am very proud of that.

This book has reached quite far you know, because of you awesome people and I could not thank you all enough. I would have written a chapter but I figured, I should take my rest, because Christmas break for me is about to end and the other half of our test are gonna be held and I need to study for that. So it might be a while before I can update again.

Anyways guys, stay awesome and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

@12:46 am

Update: @2:54 am

Just after I posted this, I went outside to lock the gates as told by my Mom. And when I turned around, I saw the sky was orange and full of thick smoke and stared at another side and saw that there were peaceful stars, so I shrugged it off and thought it was just some of those explosives my neighbor had and they lit, a far neighbor, not that close to ours.

My curiosity had driven me to climb our water tank, our water tank is located high up, taller than our house actually. While I stared up, thinking if I should climb the ladder, there was a sudden brownout and I had to turn on my phones flashlight. I finally decided to climb and I was very nervous since the ladder is very old and possibly unstable but I still took the risk.

When I arrived high up, I saw orange lights like I saw legit orange lava flying up (but it was not), at first glimpse, I thought it was some fireworks when it was actually flipping fire because someone's store has been burning and unfortunately that store is a freaking slipper store and behind it is an antique house, a very old house which was wholly made of wood and there the fire spread fast. It had a lot of neighboring buildings so it caught fire too.

I cautiously climbed down the ladder and told my family the matter, which whom were just chilling inside. I told them it was near like a bus stop but I was wrong, my mother texted her friend which in turn she learned that it was initially started from a slipper store or something.

My sister and cousins immediately went to outside to see the orange lit smoke outside and we walked outside to the streets to see the fire and it was HUGE, like very freaking HUGE. I came and approached people spoke with them and I felt like we are all very close or anything, like I was able to speak freely with strangers.

People were scattered everywhere watching it and when we arrived the firetruck ran out of water and this lady shouted at the motorcycles to stop moving around and clogging the place, we decidedly go home. We told our mother what we saw and then I persuaded my cousins and sister to go there again, I changed into better clothing and we went there again, we saw that the fire has grown smaller and I was so damn relieved.

When we arrived back home again, my mother was frantically texting my father about the matter. My father is a very calm and patient person, very freaking calm albeit being a police.

The year 2016 will simply be unforgettable, from my dog peeing on me because of the explosions and them shaking so preciously and the fire and being able to stargaze for a moment, yes this year has been one of a heck year really.


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