Smile • Chapter 1

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Link was finding it especially hard not to stare at your cheeky smile today. His ears kept blurring out the words his friends were saying and his eyes kept getting drawn towards you. He traced with his gaze the creases that formed at corners of your eyes and the slight dimples that showed at sides of your mouth. It was the most attractive sight to him and involuntarily, a small smile formed on his lips.

"Yo Link, LINK!" Dark exclaimed, as he snapped his fingers in front of Link's face. Link brought his attention to Dark with an annoyed glare.

"Good. Now that I have your attention, I'm asking if you have copied the notes for Calculus? If I fail this time around once again, I'm dead. I'm gonna have to repeat this class." Dark exasperatedly explained. Dark's voice was also especially irritating to Link right now.

"Dude, it wasn't my fault that you kept slacking during class, I kept telling you to do your work but you wouldn't listen. Ain't my problem, bro." Link directed his gaze sternly at Dark. He was not in the mood to deal with him right now.

"Bro, I'll just take a picture of your notes, I won't take long, please I'm begging you!" Dark looked at Link pleadingly.

"Then beg."

"WOW, You're such a sadist Link. Linkle tell him for me!" Dark directed his gaze at Linkle, who was busy staring at her phone, scrolling through her instagram account.

"Sorry Dark, you're on your own." Linkle briefly met Dark's gaze and then took a slurp of her milkshake.

"Y'all are so mean!" Dark sulked, crossing his arms on his chest. "You can't even do this for your amazing, long time, and incredibly precious friend! Me!"

Simultaneouly, Link and Linkle rolled their eyes and continued with their business. Link knew Dark will scrape by especially when he's this desperate. He'll be fine. Dark's smart enough to handle his own business.

Link once again discreetly, well at least he tried to, stare at you from afar. Honestly, you felt that someone was hotly staring at you, it felt like a physical constant pressure on your shoulder. From your peripherals, you saw Link staring at you, not so discreetly at all. With his arms crossed, he was confidently staring at you. You finally met his gaze and you greeted him with a polite smile and nod. You genuinely didn't know what his deal was but you didn't think too much about it. You were already dealing with Ghirahim, no need for one more weirdo.

"Doesn't Link know that his gaze can melt someone. Geez, look at him staring at you like a laser." Lana remarked, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Honestly, I really don't understand what his deal is, maybe he wants to ask me something?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"Girl, how can you be so naive, he obviously wants something else." Zelda raised her eyebrows, as her gaze went from you, to Link and back to you once more.

"Well, what else can it be? We aren't even that close so what else could he want from me?"

"(Y/N), do I really have to spell it out for you, like isn't it painfully obvious? You really should give yourself more credit, like you're gorgeous, y'know?" Zelda said in an exasperated tone.

"Thank you for that but what's painfully obvious? What are you talking about? Stop talking in riddles, Zelda." You genuinely didn't get what she was implying.

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