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♩♩please play the music above for an immersive reading experience♩♩


A once good friend of yours, Link, had a fever. Word reached the Princess and since, you were the only person who she knew was close to to Link and is capable of tending to him- Princess Zelda urgently sent a royal order that you may tend to him.

It has been months since both have you last met. You were quite occupied with work that you barely had any time to meet with Link at all. You just stopped visiting because you saw no apparent reason to do so, and you needed more time to focus on your work.

You flung the door to his home open and closed it behind you. You went upstairs and grazed the rails, thinking of how long it has been and taking in the sight. You entered Link's room and saw him standing in a poorly defensive stance. You neared him and saw that he slightly quivered. You had him lay down and pulled the blanket up to his chin. You saw how cute he was, your lips curving into a small, gentle smile. You gave him some medication and left him to rest. You then dragged a seat beside his bed and watched over him.

You tentatively reached for his forehead but his hand made way to your wrist, catching it in an iron grip. He cracked one eye open.

"What are you doing?"

Despite his weakened state, he still had some good reflex. You just stared at him and held gazes.

"I just wanted to know how hot you are." Now that didn't come out right. He smirked as his hold on your wrist slackened.

"How has it been?" He gave you a weak smile.

"Good... good." You lowered your head not much interested in the subject, since, you have been going through some things.

"What's wrong?" He croaked out. You merely shook your head. Link understood and let it off for the moment.

You shifted uncomfortably on your seat until, he placed a hand on your shoulder and gave you a reassuring smile. His smile was quite contagious that you weren't able to resist smiling back.

"Rest now." You stated softly. He nodded and turned to one side, pulling the covers up.

You woke up, a small smile radiating off your face. You went across your room and fixed yourself. You strapped some potions to your waist and headed out. Walking down the cobble stone road, you enjoyed the breeze that ruffled your hair and the heat that gently grazed your skin. You stared at the rich blue sky that was flourished with lush, soft clouds.

Then, you suddenly found yourself standing at Link's house. You called his name out but no one responded. You just opened the door, worry etched on your face. You sprinted to his room and found him, sprawled out on the floor.

You immediately ran to his aid and pressed your ear to his chest. Fortunately, you heard his heart beat and slowly let out a sigh in relief. You reached your hand towards his forehead and felt his high temperature. Then suddenly, you felt him twitch and lifted your head to meet his gaze.


You shushed him. You were taken aback when he suddenly pulled your head down and planted a brief kiss on your lips, before parting to pass out. You stayed at the position, still absorbing the situation. Soon, you realized what he had done and a blush crept into your cheeks, glowing a vivid red. You dragged him to bed and fled his house in utter embarrassment.

It has been a week since Link's recovery, you couldn't bring yourself to see him. He was stuck in your mind, since, the day he did the act.

You heard a knock on your door. You went to it and flung it open. Your eyes widened at the sight of Link, memories rushing to your mind. You attempted to slam the door, but, Link was fast enough to hold it back with a foot.

He grunted out in pain. You instinctively jumped back and apologized. Now, the door was agape, giving him a way in. He slowly approached you as you slowly backed away. Until, the wall betrayed you, giving you no space to escape. You closed your eyes, afraid to meet his intense gaze.

"Why'd you stop visiting, (Y/N)?" He asked his voice calm and serene. You opened your eyes slowly and met his gentle ones.

"I'm sorry?"

"So you admit to avoiding me?"

Your gaze immediately faltered, as you stared at the ground guiltily. You slowly nodded.

"Why were you avoiding me?" He said patiently, waiting for a response.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." You said, your voice shaking, but went unnoticed by Link.

"Try me." He challenged.

"W-when you had a fever... W-we- ah! Forget it." You waved your hand dismissively at him. His gaze radiated his stubborness and he remained persistent. You started to feel pressured. His gaze was intense and fierce.

"Tell me." He firmly stated, becoming impatient. You shivered, intimidated by his tone of use.

"Youkissedmewhenyouhadafever." You yelled out incomprehensibly. His look faltered and was replaced with a baffled one.

"I can't recall." Link, surprisingly, was able to decipher your words.

"I didn't expect you too." You murmured, letting out a disappointed sigh. You were just about to retreat back to your room, when a hand caught your wrist.

"But, I'd love to remember how it felt like." A faint blush painted your cheeks. Your mouth parted to form a retort, but, lush lips caught yours. You slowly melted into the kiss.

Sorry short chappy!! :) We are almost reaching 400 and if it reaches that I will throw a party!!!!!!!!!!! Joke :) and as always stay awesome and beautiful as you are. There is a chance I will edit this to make it longer or I'll just leave it short.

Also, please remember to leave VOTE on the story, Ill highly appreciate it, thankies~ <3

Edited on 04/03/21 - 1:53 AM

Entwined Fates | Link × Reader (One Shots) REPOSTWhere stories live. Discover now