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You felt him starting to drift from your grasp. For the past few days, he has been hanging out with a known playgirl: Zelda.

Every time you see them hanging out, it'd always leave you broken inside. A day passes and you think you'll be okay, yet you always get your hopes crushed. You asked him about her, but he'd always seem to switch off to another topic. You'd always feel suspicious and doubtful about him. But nonetheless, you tried to make your relationship work.

Though sometimes, he could be very insensitive and bluntly hurt you all the time; still, you pursued him and grasped a relationship that no longer worked out. You loved him, yet you no longer feel his love for you. But, was it really ever there?

It took you a few days to build up the courage to break it off with him. Sadly, he never expressed his heartache when you broke up with him—or you thought.

Your eyes watered, but you did not give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry. You turned your back and calmly walked away from him. And when you were far enough, you indulged yourself and let out sobs freely, tears trickling down your cheeks.

You ran to your best friend Lana, whom comforted you through your heartbreak. She consoled you patiently and gave you advice on how to get over him. And lastly, she gave you a makeover.

Two months has passed since your break up with Link. You no longer contacted each other. Though, you still hadn't fully recovered, continuing to pick up the broken pieces of your heart.

A notice of a vacant position was put up on a cafe you frequented. You took the opportunity and applied. The cafe owner tested your skills, letting you handle the equipments. They instructed you to make a chocolate chip frappucino.

Quietly and carefully, you mixed the listed ingredients. To finish it up, you topped it with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. Serving it to the owner, he taste tested the drink and after a brief, tense moment, he gave you his approval and hired you on the spot.

The owner toured you through the cafe and taught you how to handle the equipments properly. He gave you a brief explanation of your duties and then dismissed you for the day.

On your way home, you passed by the restaurant where you both used to hang out a lot. You stared at it for a moment, but then shook your head and continued to walk.

Two weeks has passed since you have started working at the cafe. It has been a pleasant experience, so far. You discovered that the manager was five years older than you and he was quite charming, but he can never compare to Link. You shook your head of the thought, Why do I compare every boy I see to Link? You sighed.

Fixating your eyes on the next customer, you were shocked. You didn't expect to see Link. He wore a tucked in white t-shirt, along with some black skinny jeans. Seeing him right now was overwhelming. He was just as attractive as he has always been.

Blue captivating eyes met yours, shining in a vibrant manner. He smirked and knew his effect on you.

You glared at him, as he continued to meet your gaze intensely. He decided to cut through the accumulating tension.

"Hi." It was a simple greeting, yet it sent your mind into a hazardous state. You steeled and composed yourself, reminding yourself that you were in your workplace.

Entwined Fates | Link × Reader (One Shots) REPOSTWhere stories live. Discover now