Roses • Chapter 2 (End)

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Three weeks has passed since you had moved away from Link.

You missed him. There was no doubt in that thought. You missed his familiar presence, his entertaining banters with you, his mischievous grin.


But you had to move on. As an adult and an orphan, you had nobody to support you but yourself. Having to work hard to be able to provide for yourself and live independently—it was draining and made you unhappy, but was necessary.

The new town still felt unfamiliar and you were gradually adjusting to the place. It was different from the small, rural town you and Link lived in, it was a bustling city, albeit not grand in size.

However, the move did entail some new encounters and you met Lana and Zelda from your workplace. Zelda came from a well-off but traditional family. She was supposed to be married off to strengthen her family's business, but instead, she cut ties with her family (which was not an easy task) and lived independently. Lana came from a middle-class and luckily, a supporting and loving family. They were both good people just trying to get by and you respect them for that.

Deliberately, you were starting to acquaint yourself with your work routine. The trio of you were currently at work and it was almost finished. There were thirty minutes until the three of your shifts was over. You busied yourself with any remaining tasks and slowly started gathering your belongings to prepare to go home. A few moments passed and you were all eventually free.

"Finally, we're off work. Gosh, I'm tired!" Lana stretched from her seat and let out a tired groan, while pursing her eyes closed.

"Good job today, guys." Zelda congratulated with a tired smile and eyes, although she still looked flawless.

"Yeah, rest at last..." You replied in a relieved but exhausted tone, laying your head between your arms on the desk. You briefly closed your eyes and thought about how fast the days has been passing by without Link.

"Would you guys like some frappucino? It's on me! We worked hard today and we deserve it." Zelda offered, placing her hands on her hips and looking at the both of you and Lana proudly.

"Gosh, who would answer no to that? Zelda, you're the best!" Lana cheered from her seat.

"Yes! Free drinks! Thanks Zelda." You flashed Zelda a grateful smile, staring up at her while lying on your hands.

Zelda promptly asked about your favorite flavors. You asked for a (your favorite drink flavor), while Lana picked strawberry cookies and cream flavor. You were already well-acquainted with the fact that Lana is a big sweet tooth and it definitely matched her personality. Zelda chose a moderately sweet drink because she was big on keeping her health in check. Honestly, both Zelda and Lana were total opposites, but somehow they complimented each other very well.

Zelda left you both in the office to go to the cafe shop. You and Lana silently awaited for Zelda to return, while scrolling through your phones and occasionally exchanging memes with each other and sharing laughter. It was not long before Zelda returned and handed you both your drinks.

"Zelds, this is the highlight of my day!" Lana exclaimed, taking a slurp of her drink and smiling brightly.

"Thanks, Zelda. This frappe is a good way to end this day." You took a sip and savored the sweet taste of the drink, feeling relief wash over you. It was the end of another day and honestly, you would like nothing more than to be in the comforts of your bed.

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