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"We're going to go now." Mrs. and Mr. Link were going on a trip and you and Link had to babysit his little sister, Linkle. "Link, (Y/N), take care of her well, alright? We'll be back by tomorrow."

"Yes, Mrs. Link."

"Alright, Mom."

You both replied politely.

"Mommy, Daddy, do you really have to go? I'll miss you!" The little Linkle ran towards her Mom and Dad, engulfing them in a hug as best she can with her little hands. Her parents smiled down at her fondly, as her Father lifted Linkle up with his arms and held her.

"Mommy and Daddy will be back by tomorrow, okay? We'll return as fast as we can! Until then, you need to behave and be a good girl to Link and (Y/N)." Her father waggled a finger at her face with a stern look. It was an endearing sight to behold.

"Now remember you both, don't give her sweets, especially in the night. Alright, we have to go now, bye!" Link's mother waved a hand towards you all before promptly leaving, lugging their luggage behind her.

"Bye, Mom!"

"Take care you guys!"

You all stood silently for a moment, staring at the door while listening to the car exiting the garage. It was now five in the afternoon; the sky outside gradually darkened, welcoming the arrival of the stars.

"Freedom at last!" Link broke the silence, stretching his arms overhead. You turned your gaze towards Linkle, whom had a small frown.

"Linkle, are you feeling okay?" You slightly bent your knees to meet her height and asked in concern, you noted that she looked a bit subdued and down.

"Not very much." She shook her head weakly.

"Well, would you like us to cook for you? Would that make you feel better?" You offered, giving her a cheerful smile, in an effort to lift her spirits.

"Yes, um, I want some... spaghetti with candy!" Linkle perked up, clapping her hands in excitement.

"I'm afraid there shouldn't be sweets for you, little missy!" Link interjected, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Hmph whatever, Linky!"

"Woah, got an attitude, little missy?"

"How about we cook you milk instead? Oooh~ How about...? Chocolate milk!" You suggested in excitement, slightly exaggerating your expressions since you were speaking to a child.

"That sounds good, but candy sounds better..." She held her chin in thought and consideration.

"Well, I heard that candy isn't very good for you, especially too much of it." You gently lectured.

"Yeah, okay... I guess I'll just have the chocolate milk, then." She nodded hesitantly, conceding.

"That's a good girl. Alright I'll get to cooking! Link stay here and watch over her, if you need me I'll be in the kitchen." You pat Linkle's head, then clapped your hands together with a determined look, ready to be in action.

Luckily, there were no hitches while you were preparing the spaghetti's ingredients and halfway through cooking, you checked upon Link and Linkle and saw them both lazing in the sofa peacefully. The sight made you smile. Suddenly, a thought intruded on your mind about how you and Link seemed like parents to Linkle and you felt a little embarassed for thinking about such things. You then returned to the kitchen to finish up cooking the dish.

Entwined Fates | Link × Reader (One Shots) REPOSTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora