Smile • Chapter 3

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Link's mind became scrambled and all that he could focus and think about was that you looked very red and swollen and that his head was about to burst any moment now, from the worry that he felt. He promptly blanched from the intense concern he felt.

"(Y/N), are you okay!?" Link exclaimed in worry, hurrying towards your side in concern. Without a moments notice, Link lifted you up and carried you bridally. He hurriedly approached the counter, where he urgently thanked the shop owner and left a hundred dollar bill- without any second thoughts.

"Link, I'm fine," You said, patting Link's chest reassuringly- resisting the powerful urge to scratch the itch off your face, "But, can you tell me what was in that sushi?"

"Salmon, garlic, ginger..." Link listed mindlessly, obviously distracted.

"Oh, I'm allergic to ginger. I never thought that sushi would have that as an ingredient." You said sheepishly and apologetically, "By the way Link, I'm okay, please let me down." You observed Link's brows furrowed sternly, mingled with a tinge of concern. Link momentarily pondered that it might have been his fault that you were in this mishap right now and felt a bit guilty for your state.

"I'll carry you to the car." Was Link's simple reply. You took notice of the sense of urgency from each step that Link took towards his car and once again, you tried to relieve him and tell him that you'll be fine. Whereas, Link's focus and thoughts were zeroed in on bringing you to the hospital, your words fading into the background.

On your way to the car, people shot you and Link curious and/or amused glances, but, it seems that Link couldn't care less. Staring at his somewhat disheveled state right now, you thought he kind of looked cool and cute. To which you introspected was probably an inappropriate thought, seeing as your health was at risk at the moment. Link swiftly but carefully opened the door to the passenger's seat and gently settled you down. He then rushed to the driver's side and started the engine imperiously and speeded towards the hospital.

"Link, slow down! You're gonna give me a heart attack on top of this allergy!" You cried out in a high pitched voice. You secured your seatbelt and held on to your chair for dear life, feeling as if your soul briefly left your body and ascended. Link spared you a concerned glance, before he fiercely directed his gaze towards the roads and expertly swerved and drived through the streets.

Shortly after, you both arrived at the hospital, with Link expertly parking swiftly. You took a brief moment to calm and compose yourself, as Link's fast driving made your soul astral project into oblivion.

You then directed your gaze at Link. "Don't worry Link, I'll take it from here." You exited the car and purposefully walked towards the hospital, before you suddenly felt that you were once again lifted up.

"Link! I told you there's no need and put me down!" You cried out and looked at Link, thinking that he was being too over the top.

"I'll be faster, (Y/N) and also, this is my fault this happened." Link grimly stated with a small frown, and a worried look in his eyes.

"Link, this isn't your fault, like, at all." You firmly said, "You weren't aware that I had an allergy to ginger and you made that sushi with good intentions, hoping that I'd enjoy it. You didn't mean for this to happen, so don't worry about it, Link." You comforted though, you felt that Link still wasn't truly convinced and still felt at fault.

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