Forbidden Love

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. ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ .

The Kingdoms of Red and Blue have engaged in a hundred years of cold war and greatly execrate each other. Seems that, it only took two individuals of differing colors to spark a terrible fate. This is the story of how it all commenced:

By the very strike of midnight, light taps of feet were heard throughout the empty cobblestone roads. The streets were dim since the multitude of people have already fallen asleep. The princess of the Blue Kingdom had managed to escape the knights whom guarded her and ensured her safety. She snuck through the window and weaved golden knots that cushioned her fall to the ground. She summoned glowing glyphs that she used as steps, boosting her up into the air and taking her outside of the castle gates, unnoticed.

She fell softly unto the roads and landed gracefully. She sprinted towards the thick, colossally high walls, that separated both kingdoms. A staircase out of yellow mist she kindled, appeared, leading her to climb the peak of the wall. It was such a large wall that it was possible to build a mansion atop it.

When she reached the summit of the bulwark, she laid down in exhaustion. Letting out huffs and puffs; her breaths turning into white smoke. She stared at the stars that illuminated the firmament brilliantly. She was known as the 'runaway princess' because she always seemed to leave the castle without permission whatsoever. But, her parents were to caught up with their duties, that they barely spared any time for her. This deeply saddened her.

She goes by the name (Y/N), the one and only princess of the Blue Kingdom.

Every night she'd climb up the wall and imagine the land beyond theirs. She'd always gaze at the Red Kingdom, for it was such an intriguing sight to see. She knew that their nation was a beautiful sight to behold, but she wanted to explore the other side out of sheer curiousity; what it would be like. So, she pondered contemplatively before, making a significant decision.

Should she go?

Soon, she found herself on the other side. She has decided to cross over to the Red Kingdom. She was sheathed in a red dress that reached below her knees. It had a ruffled skirt, a square neckline, and long sleeves. Slowly and quietly, she trekked ahead and reached a certain distance. She was clueless to where she was heading and simply walked forward, just getting more and more lost.

Not even glancing back, she did not worry about her path, for anything she is willing to venture.

She arrived at a small, abandoned cabin. At least, that's what it appeared to her. Since, she was starting to feel drowsy, she barged into the cabin and fell asleep on the surprising kempt bedroom.

The next morning she found herself, feeling cold, and pulled the covers up. Her eyes snapped open when she felt that something was drilling holes unto her head. It felt as of someone was starig at her. She threw the covers aside and sat down the mattress; snappy, but still, groggy. She took in her surroundings and briefly panicked, finding herself in an unfamiliar environment; before, memories of the past night flooded her mind and she calmed down.

Suddenly, you saw a blond haired boy in the room and let out a surprised yelp.

"Who are you?" The boy asked inquisitively.

You didn't reply; merely eyeing him up and down, before running out of the house and passing the confused boy.

You weaved a cloak out of thin air and clutched the piece of clothing, running until you reached a small town. Many people gazed at you intently, feeling cautioned and interested. Suddenly, you dispersed from sight. People were left slightly creeped out, some wide eyed, and others in awe. The cloak served to make you invisible, and once again, you cast some glyphs that you made into steps until you reached the Blue Kingdom.

You took off the red dress you wore and changed back unto your normal dress. You confidently walked up to the castle gates and greeted the bewildered guards. By then, your parents: the King and the Queen of the Blue Kingdom, waited for you at the patio of the castle. They both held worried expressions, tinged with disappointment. It couldn't be said that they weren't used to your antics and little adventures.

You greeted them with a playful bow and smiled at them. They both just shook their head and let out sighs, used to your behavior by now.

After you've arrived, you had breakfast with your parents and then, went out the castle. You went and played with children, more importantly, children whom were orphaned or are poor. You were popular among them, but, they were unaware that you were the princess. You performed magic for them that left them in awe; their smiles caused euphoria to stir inside you. You also told them about your short journey to the Red Kingdom, but tweaked the story a bit and changed the character.

When it was lunch, you brought all the children to a nearby restaurant and treated them to a meal. They expressed their gratitudes to you, in which, made your heart swell in pride. You had taught them well.

When it was nearly getting dark, you bid them farewell, but not before receiving and giving them hugs and kisses. Walking towards the castle, you thought about why the Blue Kingdom greatly opposed the Red Kingdom. All you knew was that past generations got into a misunderstanding with each other and it was never settled. You didn't know what it was about also. The cycle of hatred and anger was still imminent to this day, and the bias against each other's nation was still greatly true. It caused great tension between the two nations that it ended up having the wall made, separating both of the nations. But, you saw no bad thing about the Red nation.

Once you entered the castle, you heard the chirping of crickets and some fireflies deciding to take a visit. The leaves from the trees and plants, slightly gleamed from the moon light glow. You entered the manor, the servants bowing and greeting you politely. As you retired to your bedroom, your personal maids assisted you in taking a bath and changing your clothing.

You remembered you once had a friend from the Red Nation, who was your only sole and true friend. He didn't treat you like royalty and it was honestly, so invigorating and exciting. He didn't befriend you for your position as princess, but simply because he wanted a friend. He goes by the name... you were not able to remember. Your memories about him were hazy.

When you started to grow fond of him, he left the very day you started to understand your feelings.

You took a deep sigh, as you dismissed your personal servants. You jumped and plopped down your king-sized bed.

You took a book by the nightstand, entitled: 'Lady of Light and Shadows.' It was a very enthralling story that piqued your interest and by midnight, you were able to finish reading it.

You then stood from your bed and changed into a (F/C) tunic and strapped a bag to your shoulder that held crucial things for your journey.

Soundlessly, you pushed your door open, bypassing the night guards and entered your parent's room stealthily. Entering their chambers, you were surprised that your mother was not in bed with your father, but, you thought nothing of it.

You left a note, informing them of you leaving for a week to embark on an adventure and then once more, left the quiet castle.

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Thanks you for reading, much love from Violeta :) Also, please remember to leave VOTE on the story, Ill highly appreciate it, thankies~ <3

Published on 02/19/16 and edited on 04/06/21, at 1:37 AM

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